Happy Re-Birth Day!

Easter is a time of remembering what has been sacrificed, and many people tend to focus more on that.  But, it is also a time of re-birth.  Why not use more of our energy to concentrate on the new beginnings possible?  We can draw inspiration from the beautiful plants, butterflies and birds emerging all around us…heck, if they can take the pollution, abuse and neglect and still come back bigger and more beautiful, why can’t we?  It’s a matter of perspective, and hey, perspectives can change…ever looked at your yard from different sides?  It looks different and all you did is change your view!

Many people may not agree, but we can compare ourselves to the beautifully colored Easter Eggs.  Our lives have many ups, downs and bumps.  Sometimes we are cool and fragile, other times we are in hot water, waiting for someone to help us out!   Sometimes we tend to hide, and sometimes we even have cracks, but we seem to always emerge from that!  We now find ourselves at another “beginning” and need to take the opportunity to shine in all the brilliant colors available to us!  We need to try to think and be as positive as we can.  While we cannot ignore, totally, the negative, the negative isn’t going to take us anywhere good!  We need to put our thoughts on the positive and leave them there…we’ll be better off for it!

May the many blessings of our Mother/Father Creator wrap you in love, peace, beauty, joy, comfort and light, strengthening your resolve, today, and always!  Blessings on this wonderful time of Re-Birth…

A Thought for the Season…

May the Joy of the Season not be lost on “this season” alone, but shine brightly every day of your life.

You are MAGNIFICENT, and not just because your friends and family think so, but because Our Creator says so…don’t lose sight of who you are in this massive universe.  No matter where you are in your life’s journey, YOU still have MUCH to contribute…and we are all, including Our Creator, looking forward to it!

May love, light and many blessings surround you always…

My “Lord’s Prayer”

In Spirit & love,
We come before you today,
Precious Mother/Father Creator;

Thank You for this glorious day,
Thank You for the people I will encounter and
for those whose lives will touch mine.

Thank you for the blessings in my life today,
My Family,
My Friends (who are also part of my family),
The food that will nourish body, mind and soul,
The courage  to face my challenges,
The Faith to know you are always with me to surround me,
My Strength in the face of adversity.

Today, please use me as a vessel of love and encouragement
from which others can draw,
And let my soul reach out and caress others in need.

Let Your Light and Love rain down on all who desire you care,
Today, and forevermore…

Freedom to Be

There is much going on in this world here today.
And many are hoping it just passes them by.
Governments and people disrespecting each other,
and everyone suppressing their urges to try.

True freedom’s a gift, not given by man,
yet some feel the need to control and demand.
We are brothers and sisters, here on this planet
and this journey of ours beckons us to understand.

One by one we CAN accept our differences
and respect that which makes us unique.
Today we must shed our hatred and fear,
knowing these differences make our world tick.

We are one human race, what affects you affects me,
and so on it goes, till we stop hurting each other.
One thing of great note, that we must recognize,
No one can be free while suppressing another.

Respecting Self and Others…

Respect seems sorely lacking these days…between Adults, Parents & children, spouses, children, both in families and in school, co-workers and even for our own self.  Even with the multitudes of churches, intolerance for bullying on school campuses “diversity training” in the workplace and efforts to raise self-esteem, respect has dwindled to nearly nothing.  (And I am from the South…land of hospitality!)

I can’t say what first started the decline, but it is truly annoying!  Why can’t we respect ourselves and others?  What has changed to cause the lack of respect?  And, when will we get it back?

I do not have the answers to these questions, but I would like to put forth some thoughts.

You are the face to the world of the Ultimate Self, and that position demands respect.  You are a sacred treasure, prized by Your Creator…yet, unfortunately, we lose sight of that.  We get caught up in the worldly.  We forget just WHO we are, and we act with disregard, neglect, apathy…towards ourselves, and towards others.

Respect is defined as high or special regard or to consider worthy of high regard; esteem.  And to esteem someone means we place a high value on him or her.  So…strictly speaking, if we no longer respect someone, we no longer find value in them…they are no longer special.  That goes for us, as well.

We must first regard ourselves highly before we can expect that treatment for ourselves or return the regard to others.  This is not a pep talk on how to be good to you, it is a fact.

If you have no respect for yourself, why not?  Answer the questions honestly, why DO you feel you are of little worth?  Can you change it, and if so, why wouldn’t you?  What is holding you back?  Is it lack of education?  Is it a weight issue?  Is it something you were told or how you were treated, or not treated, by someone you respected?  Would it help to know that you are not the only one with these issues?

Many people feel like they lack education and they either do not have the money or time to invest in higher education.  BUT, that doesn’t have to stop you!  There are many great books out there on many a great topic.  You can find books on nearly everything.  If books do not interest you, there are always DVD’s.  I have seen them on nearly every subject, as well.  You can take charge of that concern.

Many people have weight problems, too.  Sometimes we stress eat, sometimes we don’t eat the right things, sometimes we don’t exercise, and sometimes there are medical issues to be found and cleared up.  All of these things can be taken charge of, as well.

Many people are also treated disrespectfully by those they once held in high regard.  Whether that person is your parents, teachers, preachers, siblings, boss, whomever, you cannot give them charge of you.  By succumbing to their bad treatment, you give away your own power.  Chances are, these people have been treated badly at some point, as well, and while that is no excuse for bad behavior, we must learn to take charge of our own situation.

With respect for you, however, if you are in a position of deep depression or possible destructive behavior and you feel you can see no way out, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with seeking help…nothing.  Talk to family or friends, or seek outside help if you need it…remembering that realizing you have a problem is the first step…

We are worthy of the utmost respect; to be highly prized…we are VERY special.  As unique expressions of Creation, we are worth SO much…but then, so is everyone around us!  It’s time we started acting like the valuable, prized beings we are…Truly, until you are happy with your self, it will be hard to be happy with those around you.  See where and what you can make changes to help you feel treasured by you…then, spread the love…What happens might be surprised you!

You are the Chosen One…

In light of everything going on in this world, go to our mirror, and repeat after me:

I am a perfectly wonderful expression of Creation.
Our Divine loved me enough to give me life,
and I am going to use this opportunity to do everything in my power to bless those around me.
In doing so, I also bless myself, as we are all connected on this life’s journey;
What affects one, affects me, too.

Our Blessed Mother/Father Creator has given me freedom of choice,
and with that, I can choose to do anything, even change my mind.
And, while sometimes I may feel like not choosing, I understand that that, too, is a choice.

I cherish the thought of learning from the other adventurers whose paths I am so fortunate to cross.
My hope is that each and every one of us finds that we are all kindred spirits and true Soul mates,
and…we will honor the Divine in each other as our pilgrimages intertwine and unwind as we move on our way.

Blessed are you, the pure elucidation of The One that Creates all.  You are loved beyond measure!

Divine Heritage

We are ALL children of Divine Majesty…making us “royal heirs” to a mighty kingdom.  And it does not matter to WHAT religion you adhere, the truth is simple…You are Divine…Do not let someone coax you into giving up your precious birthright.

With such “power” also comes massive, but simple, responsibility…to make sure that every single one of our sisters and brothers achieves their own truth…their expression of Our Divine Parentage.  As vessels of the attributes of Blessed Creation, love should imbue every cell in our body as our very being illuminates the world.  Is it not true that The Supreme truly embodies love and light?

Let nothing hold you back from pursuing your sacred heritage.  May your Soul shine forth today as the essence of who you are radiates outward, inspiring our noble siblings to embrace their greatness.

Arise and Shine!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come!  And the love of God has risen upon you…”  Isaiah 60:1

How appropriate, with Independence Day right around the corner, that this particular message come to me!  There is, to be sure, a lot of dogma and interpretation of Scripture around to make anyone run screaming to the hills…and yet, if we take the time to look at the messages, ourselves, there is so much there to truly free our souls!

We know, and as has been written in blog entries here, our body is a wondrous and magnificent creation, capable of healing itself…Why do we think that is?  Did it ever occur to us that it’s because of what it houses…our soul?  The very essence of Our Creator?  We tend to become complacent, however, with regards to taking care of our bodies, as well as our minds AND soul…the three most important things that support our very nature…

Some of us are lulled into believing that if we just love God well enough, God will take care of all.  Yet Our Creator gave us the ability to “heal” ourselves…and we seldom take advantage of that part of us.  We have been “reprogrammed” to believe that someone else will do it…God, or maybe a doctor, or maybe a psychologist, our pastor, or maybe someone else.  This is not to say that we may not need support from our friends and family during these times, but isn’t it about time we take responsibility for for ourselves???

So…let’s make a pact that we not wait another day to take charge of our lives…body, mind and soul!  You are already a perfect example of creation…accept that…embrace it…and begin your journey to be the best you can be and become a radiant example to others who may be waiting for someone else to “take charge!”

There is an awesome light inside you that is waiting to gleam forth…so arise and shine, knowing that you are loved and you CAN do anything you desire!

Instructions for Your Gift…

Trust in Our Divine Creator with all your heart, for all your understanding…

In doing so, you can do all things, endure all things and be all things…

You determine your path, your life and your choices…Let no one “decide” for you…Choose wisely…

Clear your mind…Start new everyday, if need be…

With your mind clear and your heart open, the world will open up for you…

Do not be afraid of who you are…

Always be merciful & kind…gentle and loving…

Show love for all, respect all…You do not have to “understand” someone else’s path.  As you have struggled with yours, so many will struggle with theirs…Just be a light in the dark for those who need to find their way…

Let your inner light, the very Presence of the Divine, show forth to light your way, as well…

Be blessed in all you do and may light and love shower down on you with an abundance of joy, wisdom and strength…

And, remember, all this…this very life…is your gift from Our Blessed Creator…What you make of it is up to you!

Today’s Journey

Today’s journey is a new adventure.  During the adventure, strive to be a better conduit for positive change, for the work of Our Divine Creator.

Move throughout the day in reverence, humbleness, and thanksgiving.

Treasure each moment, for time is short and events can be changed.

Be aware of the energy around you, direct positive energy where needed.

Realize that events may have been foretold in Scripture like they were because Our Mother/Father Creator knew that humankind might choose the path of complacency, thus leading to the unfolding of pestilence, war, death and destruction.

As your journey unfolds, dare to make a difference, choose wisely, act with grace and diginity.

Approach all with a clear mind and a heart full of love – guided by Our Divine.

We can do all things if we believe we can!

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