The Change We Wish To See

All over, for months, years even, people are posting and talking about war with the next nasty enemy of the US.  No one seems to grasp what is missing.  To those supporting the next war, there are a few things for you to consider.

On a political note:
Most “wars” in the US have been manipulated and/or manufactured. Yes, you heard that correctly.  One of documentaries which I researched and wrote deals with media and government manipulation, and ultimately influence, of the population, AND government manipulation of the media.  This country was founded as a non-interventionist country.  George Washington said we should be friends with all and take no sides because, if we did, in the end, it would cost us dearly.  It has.  Especially if you believe the official account of 9/11.  Recently, and over the past few years, Ron Paul has correctly stated that the world views the US as an aggressor.  I say flat out that our country has become the proverbial bully on the playground.  Collateral damage is huge and devastating.  The images of death and destruction are everywhere, except maybe in the mainstream media here in the US.  It’s an abomination for a supposedly “Christian” nation to act with such reckless abandon towards another country.  Our founding generation is rolling over in their graves!!!

On a spiritual note:
Our Divine Parent(s) created all life…Again, as a Christian nation, why is it that we do not heed the words in the very book from which we claim to get our Divine Instruction?  What happened to “Revenge is mine” says God? What happened to “Love thy neighbor,” says Jesus?  What happened to turning the other cheek, giving someone in need a hand, walking with our brothers and sisters in their times of trouble and loving our enemies? Maybe we have forgotten what Jesus taught?  One of the most blasphemous things I think I have ever heard was when President Bush said God told him to initiate the war on terror.  If we are to believe that God created all and God said vengeance is mine, why would we ever think that if God wanted someone vanquished, God couldn’t take care of that?

There are a few thing we could learn, true life lessons: to love one another…unconditionally.  To support each other’s goals…without restraint.  To be the better person…a shining example of Our Divine and loving Creator in a dark and dreary world.  To be better than those who went before us.  If we could only stop thinking with fear and hate in our hearts, open up that same heart and love, truly love, those waiting on the outside, can you imagine what we could accomplish?

Magnificent, Instead!

What cares do I have, that eat up my days,
drive me insane with worry and pain.
How did I get them, from where did they come?
I search deep down, to the pit of my soul,
and find their not there, so is my search done?

Then a very small voice, so still and alive,
beckons me listen, so I’m not deprived.
“Your worry’s, your problems” it says with such force,
“Are troubling for sure, but derive from mankind…
I would not wish them for you, not ever, of course.”

“You are My Dear Child, and only the best,
is what you deserve, yet time you do waste,
searching for things which hold no meaning for you,
wondering blindly, stumbling round in the dark.
Why do you do that?  Better get on the move!”

“You have lots to accomplish, things to get done.
Things to experience, get out, have some fun!
You’re truly Divine, accept it, move ahead!
Shed the thick coat of troubles you’ve wrapped round yourself.
Embrace who you are, be magnificent, instead!”

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