Experience the Good

In reading my book this morning I ran across something that, while my Inner Being obviously  knows this, my “human” being has not quite grasped it, but it is simple and beautiful…

“The world starves in the midst of plenty, weeps in the midst of joy.  Yet the Eternal Manna has never ceased to fall.  The fields of God are ripe unto harvest.  The garden of your mind was planted by a Wisdom superior to yours.  Enter in and possess the Promised Land.  When you accept in simple faith, you shall receive.  When you knock in child-like belief, the door will be opened.  What you seek with enthusiastic acceptance, you will find.”  This passage comes from the book “This Thing Called You” by Ernest Holmes.

Go through your day’s journey with the knowledge that you are in control.  Negate negative thoughts and accept the truth…You are the children of a MOST Divine Creator, and in that, you possess that inheritance…the same inheritance that Jesus/Yahushua spoke so often about.  Remember always he told you that you could do all things, if only you believe…You can do what he did, and more, if only you believe…

I think these days we are bogged down with someone else’s experience…someone else’s reality…and we forget we have our own.  Don’t let someone else’s “stuff” cloud, or crowd, your own stuff.  Try to approach every thing as if it is, not just yours, but THE very first experience with it.  You might be surprised at the outcome!

May you experience all the richness of Spirit today, as you move through your day’s journey…love, peace, joy…with the realization that you are not alone!

Changing Your Perception

In the Bible we are told not to ramble on when praying.  We are to say our piece and get on with our lives.  Short, precise words are the ticket.  The more confusing the prayer, the more chance that it can be confused!  That’s not to say Our Creator would confuse that, but if you, like many others, believe your power is in your thought, then confused thoughts breed confusion of action!  One of my favorite spiritual teachers and authors, Ernest Holmes, taught that thoughts are things, and when put out there are acted upon.  To change your situation, you need to change the way you THINK about it.

Some of us wonder why we are in the positions in which we find ourselves.  “What did I do to end up like this?  God must really hate me for this to have happened to me.”  Sometimes it is over the death of a loved one.  Sometimes it is a financial situation.  Sometimes it is a relationship.  Sometimes it’s a loathed job.   Why do we automatically assume God had anything to do with that?

There are a couple of things we must understand.

First, you only control you…You cannot control the thoughts, decisions and deeds of another.

Second, Our Divine gave all of us free will.  We each have the ability to act and react.  And, again, we have the responsibility for ourselves.

Thirdly, we either take control of our lives or we don’t.

At any time we feel ready, we can start a journey of discovery to find out how we came to be where we are in our lives.  If we find ourselves in a particularly rough spot, we need to ask ourselves some particularly hard questions.  But we MUST be honest to get useful answers.

What decisions did I make in my life to bring me to this particular place?

Is this place in which I find myself beneficial in any way?  Are their lessons needing to be learned?

Can I make a new decision right now to change the course of my life?  Will I follow through on that decision, once it’s made?

Am I willing to make a new determination, at any time, if the previous one proves to take me in a wrong direction?

Again, remember, you are only responsible for you.

Many times, before a long journey by car, I visualize the entire journey to my destination, the drive, the potential stops, and the arrival, usually the day before I am to leave.  That visualization is comforting, as I see exactly what I want it to be.  We can do the same in our lives.

Maybe you are unsure what you want to lie ahead of you in your earthly journey, but you can visualize calmness in your decisions and spirit.  You can realize that whatever comes up for you is an opportunity, either to grow or to change a thought or decision for a better growth.  Throwing your hands up in the air in despair should never be an option.  Why?  Because THAT is the condition you are putting on your day…despair.  That is the thought that goes forth from you and becomes something.

Many people meditate and others pray.  Others believe in energy and others believe in other things.  There is no wrong way to go about your desire to see results, except one, hurting another expression of Our Divine.

The key to getting where you want to go is to simply start…Many teach to pray without ceasing, and like I have said before, the more you think positive thoughts, the more you will find your mind just goes with it.  It becomes automatic in your subconscious.

As an expression of Our Creator, you are a blessing to humankind that carries a piece of Our Creator inside your very being…Do you understand how awesome you are?  Better yet, do you understand the power you possess?  Go into the world every single day knowing you have the power to change your life…Live your expression to the fullest.  If you find yourself on a path that is distasteful, unproductive or brings loathing, change your perception?  You CAN make that change.

May the many blessings you seek be a catalyst for your upward growth and may you relax into these blessings and allow them to fill up your life and heart.  May you always carry the love of our Blessed Creator with you and wear it proudly…May your love of Our Creator shine forth so brightly that those around you have no choice but to take notice…With Divine Love in our hearts, we truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for…Much love and light to you…

Revelations to Start the Week…

May thanksgiving flow from your heart to Our Creator and our many brothers and sisters in this life.

May you find within your own soul the courage you seek, knowing you were designed in the image of supreme wonder.   May today find peace in your heart and love in every crevice of your being.  May this courage, peace and love reflect out to those whom you encounter, spreading Divine joy and comfort to all.

May you embrace and rejoice in your place as a child of Our Divine Creator.  May the understanding that you are Divine by right of creation, a child of Our Blessed Creator, be yours today.  You, as are we all, truly special.  May acceptance of who you are always help you understand that you are truly loved, regardless of how you are perceived in this earthly place.

Today, also understand that you have free will.  If you chose to ignore your Divinity, you are only doing harm to yourself.  The ones crossing your path, truly searching, will still find their divinity…

When you realize and embrace your Divine inheritance, may you have the courage to help others find theirs.  May we all understand the ability we have to assist others and strive to do so from a place of honest, deep concern and commitment to peace, happiness, joy, healing, light and love.

Today, may you realize YOU are who you’ve been waiting for.  May you TRULY embrace this knowledge, as only YOU can change your journey, should it need to be changed…May this day be filled with unending opportunities, and may you find the one you are searching for this very minute.  May the many blessings of Our Divine Creator encircle you today, this week, and always.  Halleluyah!

My New Year’s Wish

May our new year be filled with the deep kind of joy that we can only get when we realize that we are loved beyond measure and that Our Divine Creator is with us always…and that we are joined together in spirit.  We are all connected and so should be sending love to all. When one of us does well, all of us benefit, even if it is just on the spiritual level, which is, after all, the best level!

May you find comfort in knowing that you are a blessing to Our Creator. May the blessings of Our Divine clothe you always, prop you up when needed and carry you through your journey…You are Your Creator’s child, so bask in that realization. Let the new year begin, bringing with it all the new and exciting adventures for the next chapters in our journey…Peace, joy, love and happiness to you all.

Because You Crossed My Path

My life has been blessed
because you crossed my path.
I cherish those seconds,
though you might not even remember.

There is something so divine
about encountering another sacred soul.
At first, we may not realize
just how special this person is…

In fact, in some cases,
we may find them contemptible.
Yet there is a deeper plan,
a deeper lesson to be learned.

Still, in other cases,
this life force perplexes us
for other unknown reasons,
and we contemplate the encounter.

Some stay, and we absorb them
into our own psyche, making them part of our whole.
Some move on at times that seem most inconvenient.
And we are left to mourn what we have lost.

And, sometimes, it is us who does the leaving,
moving through life, searching for our own truth.
We, each of us, are on our own quest…
A splendid journey into our unknown.

There are bound to be times we come across
someone who will not finish our journey with us.
Some will only travel a short distance, and
others will be those who are with us to the end.

I cherish all of the blessed ones.
And while some may linger,
just for a while, it matters not,
Because I learned something from each one…

Blessings to All

May the blessings of our Mother/Father Creators rain down on you today,
showering you with more love, peace, happiness and prosperity
than you can surely handle.

May your blessings spill over onto your family and friends,
granting them their blessings, in turn.
But let it not end there…

For there are so many people in need of positive energy,
healing energy…Divine energy, and it is, indeed,
in abundance right now.

Every moment we raise up our voices in agreement,
is another moment we work together
to solve the world’s problems.

Today, may we see clear to make a difference, not just in our lives,
but in the many lives with which we are joined,
One by one, we can do this.

As we join hands and hearts to enable this cosmic awakening,
may we be ever mindful of our place in this blessed universe,
for we truly are part of the Omnipotent I Am…

Simply Be…

Waking up and breathing in the newly created day,
imagination runs wild with visions of possibility.
Aware of my own self and my part in this creation,
Moving with my own purpose at hand…
To be the best me I can be.

Doing what comes naturally, I simply am.
Many will read far to little, or far too much,
into that innocent notion.
And yet, I can’t help but wonder why?
We’ve have been told who we are from the beginning…

Many teach it a different way, causing doubt, fear,
desolation, and even the need for repentance.
I assure you, though, that is not it…
The way is vastly less complicated…
We’ve been told it’s more child-like…

So be who you are, there’s no need to fear…
Harming none, respecting all,
as the many great sages of old have taught.
Embrace your potential, Divine in your birth,
Glory and Honor await your recognition!

Needs of the One…

Should the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one?  It is an interesting concept to ponder, and I am sure there are MANY conclusions…as many as there are people pondering it.  The thought always conjures up the scene from Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan with Kirk and Spock in the engine room on the Enterprise…”The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…or the one.”

I would like to propose something…The needs of the many ARE the needs of the one.  We are all one in the eyes of our creator…All of us are different expressions of the One, so it stands to reason that our needs would all be different, experiencing different feelings, emotions and attitudes about everything for Our Creator.  And, we all have different experiences that we enjoy, and others we don’t.  As we have said before, too, the things I enjoy, you might not, and the things you enjoy, your friend might not.  Some people are naturally good at some things while others are naturally much better at others.  Some want to pursue things in which others of us have NO interest.  but that’s okay.  That is why there is such diversity and there is nothing wrong with diversity.  Besides, it would be SOOO boring if everyone wanted the same things…so there is room for MUCH diversity!

Simply put, in this world in which we live, there are endless options and combinations of things that can be done to satisfy everyone.  As long as we remember two things…The Golden Rule and what I consider the Rules of Life…Treat others as you want to be treated and don’t kill, steal, lie, cheat or take advantage of others.  Even that can be put into more simple terms…love, honor and respect each other!  If we remember that, we will do just fine, both as the many and as the one!

Remember, too, for all of us to be emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually sound, we do have individual needs for each of those categories…So, don’t begrudge people their individual needs, because as they grow in this world, they will add to the “needs of the many” while helping the “needs of the one,” which absolutely adds to the “needs” of the Ultimate One!

Taking Cues From Mother Nature

A cool front moved through here between Saturday and yesterday, leaving us with temperatures 20 to 25 degrees cooler for the past two days than most of last week.  As Summer fades into Autumn, the night breeze has a slight chill, as does the daytime breeze, and for some reason, overnight the air seems to be more crisp and clean.  It is a beautiful day here today, and even the sunshine seems somehow prettier.  As things have died out over the Summer heat, the plants that managed to withstand the brutal heat seem to be even brighter.

Our part of the earth is preparing to hibernate, as Autumn will surely give way to Winter.  Our area will be at rest, rejuvenating for the next phase, Spring…and the cycle will repeat…waking, living, resting & sleeping, waking, living, resting & sleeping…on and on it goes.

We tend to push ourselves to the breaking point every single day.  Most of us don’t have too much trouble with the waking part of our day, but we try to cram so much “stuff” into it that we ignore one of the most important thing we can do for ourselves.  Rest & sleeping…

If we pay attention to nature, we can get clues.  Take for instance the perennials.  They sprout forth their life, grow, start to wither and die, only to repeat the cycle, sometimes even bigger and better over the following years.  I’d like to use, as examples, two particular plants; Crape Myrtles and Pampas Grass.

When I lived in Texas, everyone grew Crape Myrtles.  One particular fellow had a fence lined with Crape Myrtles.  I passed his place everyday on my way to work.  Before I knew much about them (I still don’t know too much!), at the beginning of Autumn, he cut every single one of them to the ground.  I thought to myself, “What the heck are you doing, mister?” because they were beautiful…smaller, but beautiful.  The next Spring, after resting the Autumn and Winter, they came back with a vengeance!  They grew bigger and more full, and even more beautiful…that next Fall, he did the same thing…Cut them to the ground!  Yet, in the Spring, they came back and grew even bigger and more lovely…

My parent’s driveway is lined with Pampas Grass.  It is a beautiful sight when they are covered in full plumes.  People here, in the Midwest, grow them, as well.  What they do here, though, in Autumn, is cut them down and burn them off…If you know nothing about it, it sounds crazy, right?  Yet the following year, after the Autumn and Winter rest, they come back fuller and more beautiful.

The same goes for deciduous trees, as well…Ever seen a Maple Tree go through it’s cycle?  Another lovely tree with a similar cycle is the popular Bradford Pear.  Beautiful life emerges in the final throws of Winter and the onset of Spring as the trees flower.  Pretty leaves emerge (most are green, but there are other colors as well.  Japanese Maples are famous for their red or red lined leaves and are very popular ornamental trees!) and by Summer, they are covered with leaves.  In Autumn, as the trees wind down for rest, the leaves put on a SPECTACULAR show as they change color from green to yellow to orange and to red (sometimes having all four colors on one leaf!), as the tree gets ready to shed its leaves for the upcoming hybernation. It is an awesome show!

I have known many people who leave the trees to their own devices, once they are established, and they do alright.  I have also known others to nurture and care for their trees, and boy do they flourish!

There are a couple of things we can learn from Mother Nature…

First, we NEED our rest and relaxation to rejuvenate.  Sure, we can go and go and go all day long, deep into the night, crash onto our beds, get a few hours of sleep, get up the next day and do it all again, but that pace takes a toll on our body, and on our psyche.  Our bodies need proper rest, and nourishment if we plan to live long lives.  Lack of sleep leads to stress, confusion and moodiness.  Stress is one of the main sources for dis-ease and bodily malfunction in otherwise healthy adults.  Lack of sleep causes us to not “think” to our fullest capacity, causing us confusion, which breeds frustration, and then anger.  These are preventable things, if we nourish ourselves through proper rest and diet.

Second, Mother Nature can also show us the beauty of life and dignity in death.  As both the Crape Myrtle and the Pampas Grass and deciduous tree examples show us, we can live our lives in beauty and splendor, and at the end, if we do not fear our life or death, we can transition into our next great adventure, and be even more splendid at that.  Many religions teach us about life after death, reincarnation, etc.  So, as you watch Nature, you can see what happens after it appears to “die.”  The next “life” is so much bigger and more beautiful…and on it goes…

Take good care of yourself, respect yourself and don’t be afraid of what is to come.  Take time to “rest.”  There is nothing wrong with simply being still for a while!  Sure, you can take a vacation every year, but what about a little rest every day?  Take a short walk, relax in a warm bath, read, listen to music, take up a hobby, or yoga.  Get proper rest, and then be SURE to get proper sleep!   The things to promote rest do not have to take up much of your time, but the benefits of rest and sleep are unending!  I challenge each of you to take on your life, but treat it with respect.  Grow, live and nurture your life.   And, try treating every living thing with the same “respect for life” and see what you cultivate in your own!  Many Blessings!



For What Do You Seek?

Always looking forward,
or back.
Never quite finding.

Time spent wondering
to and fro,
Never satisfied.

Journey seems rough,
Never suitable.

Always living in a haze,
At least it seems.

Today, though, is different.
You are still wondering,
still in a haze,
but you can see it,
the way out.

Awakening has begun,
Spirit is strong,
vibrant, alive!
No longer viewing things
with eyes closed.

Realization of what you seek,
just steps ahead.
Coming closer and closer,
if only you could…
the illusion is shattered.

What you seek is not out here,
the revelation is cold,
all along,
possessing the power
to set yourself free.

Worldly hordes forced your hand,
long ago
so you buried it deep.
And there it still sits,
waiting to be released.

You are the only one,
who can release You
from Your dark prison.
Put there so You could fit in,
Yet, now, You yearn to be free…

Emerge from Your darkness,
into Your Light.
Past and future irrelevant,
run from the ordinary…
Now…Your journey begins!

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