As Life Goes

There have been several life-changing events over the passed few months.  Maybe I should start with the bad news first…my estranged husband passed away two months ago.  While we were still married, we had lived mostly separate lives for several years.  He became very ill in 2010, and basically lost his business in 2012, so he moved into the basement apartment in the house I rent with our younger daughter.  As his illness progressed, I tried to help him.  He was, after all, the father of my children…children whom I love more than life, itself.  But, he has now passed away.  It’s a weird feeling to lose someone with whom you were so close, and yet estranged, at the same time.  Strange emotions come into play.

Much more recently, and quite a bit more joyous, our older daughter married her best friend.  It was a simple, yet elegant, wedding. The only real tragedy here being that her father wasn’t there to give her away.   Before her father died, my daughter realized he was so ill he may not be able to walk her down the aisle, so she, quite diplomatically, asked her soon-to-be father-in-law to walk her down the aisle. You see, he lost his daughter a couple of years ago, and would not have this opportunity.  In a very touching move, he asked her if he might give her a kiss on the cheek as he left her to wed his son.  It was a beautiful day.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, I managed to nearly lose my soul mate (a subject best left for another time…). It’s been a busy two months…

Through all of this, though, one thing has remained constant.  Life goes on.  It doesn’t pause and it doesn’t retreat…it moves forward.

There are two lessons to be learned from all this.

One; we CAN live through our saddest times.  We can survive them.  It seems tough, at first…in fact, nearly devastating, but we can make it through, as long as we have the courage to take action and faith in ourselves…

Two; since life does go on, we can either move forward with it, or wallow in self pity and make living our lives that much more difficult. But why do that?  Life can be hard enough without us interfering and making it harder for ourselves.

It was never promised that life would be easy…just that we could get through it.  We have to be proactive and choose in which fashion we want our lives to go.  While we have to face our tragedies, if we hold on to the glorious days, hours, even minutes, we will find it easier to stay positive and survive as life goes on.

New Years Introspection

I have often wondered why so many people love the ritual of making a New Years Resolution when they seldom, if ever, keep them.  Don’t worry, as I could never keep them, either, and stopped making them a long time ago.  This year, however, the idea of doing a sort of introspection instead of resolution popped into my mind.  Simply put, find out what does and doesn’t suit me, what I like or don’t, what I need to “make over” and what I don’t, and maybe this will help me make some changes.

Taking an inventory of what you do and don’t care for takes all sorts of honesty.  Why?  Because, in all honesty, we have become so settled in our way of thinking, we don’t pay attention to how we truly feel!   We are so comfortable with “the way things are,” we’d rather just continue down this path of fake tranquility, hoping that, at some point or the “right time,” things will change.

The truth of the matter is that we need to be proactive in our own lives.  If something doesn’t suit us, we need to do it differently.  If we don’t like something, we need to put the effort forth to change it.  If something needs to be made new, we need to be willing to make it over.  And yet, we aren’t…oh, and don’t worry, I am talking as much to myself as I am to anyone reading this.

There is much to like about “comfort” and much to fear about the unknown.   At least with comfort, we know what we are getting…even if it doesn’t make us happy.   With the unknown, we have no clue what might happen.  Could be good, or it could turn out bad…but if the comfortable is already unsatisfying, why wouldn’t we venture out into the unknown?  That new territory could hold such potential!  It could bring us everything we have ever desired…and maybe more…but only if we are willing to cross into the unfamiliar.

So, this year, instead of making a list of resolutions that have little chance of getting crossed off that list, why not do some personal exploration?  Observe what is going on within your own life and make an accounting of things that make you happy and things that don’t.  And, don’t rush the process…take your time.  Truthfully evaluate each thing you find.  Can you do something about it?  Can you change it?   Maybe there are other questions to consider…If we could really approach things candidly, what would we find out about what makes us happy and what doesn’t?  If we took the time to learn, would we possess the courage to pursue our happiness?  If the going got hard, would we be willing to stick it out?  If that proved to be intolerable, as well, would we be willing to make another venture forth into the unknown?  After all, that really IS all what matters.  Our own willingness to change our own lives…our willingness to go after what makes us truly happy…think about it!

Changing Your Perception

In the Bible we are told not to ramble on when praying.  We are to say our piece and get on with our lives.  Short, precise words are the ticket.  The more confusing the prayer, the more chance that it can be confused!  That’s not to say Our Creator would confuse that, but if you, like many others, believe your power is in your thought, then confused thoughts breed confusion of action!  One of my favorite spiritual teachers and authors, Ernest Holmes, taught that thoughts are things, and when put out there are acted upon.  To change your situation, you need to change the way you THINK about it.

Some of us wonder why we are in the positions in which we find ourselves.  “What did I do to end up like this?  God must really hate me for this to have happened to me.”  Sometimes it is over the death of a loved one.  Sometimes it is a financial situation.  Sometimes it is a relationship.  Sometimes it’s a loathed job.   Why do we automatically assume God had anything to do with that?

There are a couple of things we must understand.

First, you only control you…You cannot control the thoughts, decisions and deeds of another.

Second, Our Divine gave all of us free will.  We each have the ability to act and react.  And, again, we have the responsibility for ourselves.

Thirdly, we either take control of our lives or we don’t.

At any time we feel ready, we can start a journey of discovery to find out how we came to be where we are in our lives.  If we find ourselves in a particularly rough spot, we need to ask ourselves some particularly hard questions.  But we MUST be honest to get useful answers.

What decisions did I make in my life to bring me to this particular place?

Is this place in which I find myself beneficial in any way?  Are their lessons needing to be learned?

Can I make a new decision right now to change the course of my life?  Will I follow through on that decision, once it’s made?

Am I willing to make a new determination, at any time, if the previous one proves to take me in a wrong direction?

Again, remember, you are only responsible for you.

Many times, before a long journey by car, I visualize the entire journey to my destination, the drive, the potential stops, and the arrival, usually the day before I am to leave.  That visualization is comforting, as I see exactly what I want it to be.  We can do the same in our lives.

Maybe you are unsure what you want to lie ahead of you in your earthly journey, but you can visualize calmness in your decisions and spirit.  You can realize that whatever comes up for you is an opportunity, either to grow or to change a thought or decision for a better growth.  Throwing your hands up in the air in despair should never be an option.  Why?  Because THAT is the condition you are putting on your day…despair.  That is the thought that goes forth from you and becomes something.

Many people meditate and others pray.  Others believe in energy and others believe in other things.  There is no wrong way to go about your desire to see results, except one, hurting another expression of Our Divine.

The key to getting where you want to go is to simply start…Many teach to pray without ceasing, and like I have said before, the more you think positive thoughts, the more you will find your mind just goes with it.  It becomes automatic in your subconscious.

As an expression of Our Creator, you are a blessing to humankind that carries a piece of Our Creator inside your very being…Do you understand how awesome you are?  Better yet, do you understand the power you possess?  Go into the world every single day knowing you have the power to change your life…Live your expression to the fullest.  If you find yourself on a path that is distasteful, unproductive or brings loathing, change your perception?  You CAN make that change.

May the many blessings you seek be a catalyst for your upward growth and may you relax into these blessings and allow them to fill up your life and heart.  May you always carry the love of our Blessed Creator with you and wear it proudly…May your love of Our Creator shine forth so brightly that those around you have no choice but to take notice…With Divine Love in our hearts, we truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for…Much love and light to you…

Growing Lessons

Hope your day is shaping up to be a rather nice one!  It’s hotter than usual here in the mid part of the country, as we are going on our 11th day of over 100 degree temps.  For some of you from the south, this is nothing new, for here it is…well…different.  And we have had no rain, at least where I am, for weeks.  Again, unusual.  BUT, the interesting thing is that as I was watering my plants this morning, I noticed something encouraging…New growth on all of my pepper plants!  Also, my tomato plants that I planted REALLY late are actually taking hold and growing nicely.  If I can keep them alive in this heat, they will grow and produce in the fall…so, again, nice!  My garden area does not get the proper sun, but I am thinking since the sun is so much hotter, that might not be such a bad thing!

Gardening, even in small ways, is such a learning opportunity!  And, from today, the lesson for my journey is this, even in the face of adversity, we can grow.  Even in the face of what appears to be a lull in our lives, we can still move forward.  The only thing holding us back is ourselves.  Truly, if the plants, in the face of such drought conditions, can continue to grow and even add new growth, then we, as brothers and sisters to the plants, can do this too!  (All life is all related, you know!)

It’s easy for me to imagine that the plants don’t over think things like we do.  It’s easy for me to see that, while things are rough for them now, they just say, “Yep it’s hot, but that won’t stop me from doing what I was put on this earth to do…grow!”  And we can learn from that!  Did we wake up this morning?  Yep!  SO, that gives us another day to work towards our goal…Yesterday is in the past.  Keep the lesson from yesterday’s decisions and live in the now, knowing you can change your way of thinking, the things you are doing and the influence with which you let others influence your life.  Your decisions can start over every single day, and if need be, find a different path that offers you different results, every day…

Don’t be a slave to old thoughts, past actions or past decisions.  Challenges are not obstacles unless you allow them to be… Wake up in the morning with a renewed sense of awareness…The knowledge that you CAN change your mind, do things differently and interact with life on this planet in different ways.  You are the key to YOUR future…If you have given up that power over you to someone else, well, take it back!  You truly are the one you’ve been waiting for and your world will open up for you when you embrace yourself.  So, what are you waiting for!?!

Blessings for your day, and weekend, next week, and always!  Much love and light to you and your family…May the blessings of Our Creator rain down on you until you have had your fill, and may it all happen for you again on every tomorrow!

Peace be with you

Revelations to Start the Week…

May thanksgiving flow from your heart to Our Creator and our many brothers and sisters in this life.

May you find within your own soul the courage you seek, knowing you were designed in the image of supreme wonder.   May today find peace in your heart and love in every crevice of your being.  May this courage, peace and love reflect out to those whom you encounter, spreading Divine joy and comfort to all.

May you embrace and rejoice in your place as a child of Our Divine Creator.  May the understanding that you are Divine by right of creation, a child of Our Blessed Creator, be yours today.  You, as are we all, truly special.  May acceptance of who you are always help you understand that you are truly loved, regardless of how you are perceived in this earthly place.

Today, also understand that you have free will.  If you chose to ignore your Divinity, you are only doing harm to yourself.  The ones crossing your path, truly searching, will still find their divinity…

When you realize and embrace your Divine inheritance, may you have the courage to help others find theirs.  May we all understand the ability we have to assist others and strive to do so from a place of honest, deep concern and commitment to peace, happiness, joy, healing, light and love.

Today, may you realize YOU are who you’ve been waiting for.  May you TRULY embrace this knowledge, as only YOU can change your journey, should it need to be changed…May this day be filled with unending opportunities, and may you find the one you are searching for this very minute.  May the many blessings of Our Divine Creator encircle you today, this week, and always.  Halleluyah!


Life sometimes finds us at a crossroads,
no clear way forward or back.
Yearning for some new adventure,
seeking anything new.

Moving in a strange direction,
unsure what lies ahead,
we can find ourselves reflecting.
on “better times” we’ve had.

Fear of future happenings
can catch us unprepared.
Looking for something familiar,
stable, well comfortable anyway!

Thoughts of our precious babies,
bring on nostalgic glows.
Maybe a parent, or old friends,
favorite uncle, aunt or cousin.

Great times we’ve had in days gone by,
and we hope to have again,
makes us wary of uncertainty,
we shy away from the unfamiliar.

But, you’ll never know what lies ahead,
unless you venture forth.
Can’t let fear of the undiscovered,
keep us from pushing onward.

Reflection is a marvelous tool,
it keeps us humbled, and aware,
of where our journey started,
and how we far we’ve made it though.

But it can also weigh us down,
particularly if we let it.
So be aware the road lies ahead,
but cherish your rememberings.

The love of my life…

Looking in your eyes today,
I saw baby staring back.
You are so grown up, now,
and such a joy to behold!

It seems like forever
since you were young, just a babe,
but there’s my little one
looking through your eyes…

Sometimes, I tend to forget,
because you are so grown,
how vulnerable you are.
How you still look up to me.

I would take your pain, if I could.
Protect you from sorrow and strife.
Make your life perfect, flawless.
Spectacular…but it’s not up to me.

You have to find the courage within,
to seek out your dreams.
Have faith in yourself…
because you are amazing!

I love you, my child, more than you will ever know.
All I can do is hope you learned something of value
during your time with me.
Something that can get you through your life here.
It isn’t always easy, but it can be you joy.
Only you can make those decisions…

But if I could…I would…

Life, Mended

Out of the depths, wandering free,
Soul’s first adventure on Its own.
Death and destruction, mayhem and madness.
“Who would want this?” ” What have I chosen?”

Don’t want to turn back, the light, it still shines.
With some, comes some more.  This one I can win!
Lessons are learned, as hard as they are.
Other choices are made, the difference is clear.

Darkness moves from sight, into the corners.
Slinking away and hiding with guilt.
As Soul takes charge, clearing the mess
left by a life that was lived by default.

Life gives up the suffering, learning to love,
not only Itself, but others alike.
Becoming more kind, gentle and clear,
The prize is at hand, Life sees past Its fears.

More sure of Its host, Soul rejoins the Body.
Loving thoughts They do think, together as One.
Helping the others, family and friends,
mending the fences and broken bridges.

New is the Creature, tranquil and sure
Life springing forth, no longer in doubt.
Pristine and perfect, glistening bright.
Giving forth much, and so mends the Life.

Love the “Doing”

The first words of a truly fantastic sentence, “I love the thought…” catch us all anticipating what it is we will “love.”  It’s magical!  We can ponder all kinds of lovely things…for example, we can love the thought of…

spending time with my children.
making a special dinner for friends.
staying in for dinner with my honey.
watching the stars.
relaxing in a hot bath.
sleeping late.

Or maybe something a little different…

planting a garden in spring.
a swim in the hottest part of Summer.
making snow angels in the yard.
bicycling, walking, running or dancing…something active…
taking pictures of those trees as they turn magnificent colors in the Fall.

Or maybe something extreme…

moving to a warmer/cooler climate.
running a marathon.
bicycling cross-country.
hiking the Grand Canyon.
backpacking through Europe.
taking a trip to Fiji…

I think you get the idea.  There are literally thousands of things you could “love the thought of,” but what about actually DOING them?  Yes, these seem like simple things, but how many times do we make excuses for not taking action on our simple, lovely thoughts?  Truth be told, when we make excuses, we are wasting our lives…there is SO much we could do…but to do it, we actually have to get out there and just DO it…(Reminds me of the old Nike slogan!).

What are we seeking to do when we “love the thought” of something?  Usually, we feel bogged down, in a rut, overworked, under-appreciated…drained…depressed.  I heard a wonderful teaching by Trevor Isley that pointed out when we are depressed, we are “low in spirit.”  So, again, what are we seeking when we “love the thought” of something?  To feed our spirit!  AND, if you can find something “fun,” you can rejuvenate!

Most of the things that would feed our spirit, thereby supporting our soul, don’t cost much, if anything…And, the things that you want to do that do cost money, well…start saving for it…Plan ahead for the big things, but learn to be spontaneous for the little things!

At the very least, don’t waste any more of your life just loving the thought of something…Make your journey spectacular!  Live your life!  Make time to love DOING the things that make you truly happy!

Imagination Run Amuck…

What is it that frightens you?  Keeps you from doing what you’d like to do?  Keeps you held hostage by the very fear of wondering, “what if something bad happens?”  Maybe you feel you will lose your job, relationship, friends, house…whatever?  Fear, of course, serves a purpose…We don’t jump off cliffs for fear of dying.  We don’t stick our hands on an open flame for fear we will get burned.  We don’t step in front of a car for fear we will be run over…But are these really “fears” or is it merely common sense?

What do you suppose we could accomplish if we all simply realized fear is the workings of our own imagination and if we learn to control our imagination, we control our fear?

Most of us fear something, and we really have no clue if what we fear will ever come to fruition…we just fear it.  Could what we fear be a possible consequence? What if we looked at fear as a “curse?” How could we rid ourselves of this “curse?”  To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, “It’s not the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.”

If we finally break free of our fear and do something anyway, we find out that the consequence we feared would happen is not the ONLY thing that COULD happen in that particular situation…in fact, you may find a very different outcome, one you did NOT imagine…but the only way to find out is to try.

Don’t worry, I fear a lot, myself, but to fear is not to live, because you cannot truly “live” while you fear. You can be comfortable in the knowledge that you have nothing to fear if you do not go forward with an idea or plan, but is “comfortable” REALLY living?

So, today, I will begin my journey into the unknown…I will take one of my long sought after dreams and begin fulfilling it, knowing that if I don’t even try, I will never know what could have been…And along the way, I might actually learn something about truly living!

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