Our rights are at stake…don’t you care!?!

I’ve tried to stay away from politics, but, unfortunately, politics won’t let me!  If we are going to be respecters of persons, we have to understand what’s at stake.  I am going to share this blog with you, as the information is important.

Our rights are at stake…don’t you care!?!
Debbie Lewis, Debbie@SecuringLiberty.com, April 18, 2012

There is a mess brewing all over this country, and it actually has been for some time.  More and more we see our basic rights being taken by a callus and over-reaching government bent on “controlling” things that are not part of there power to control.

In my city, Columbia, MO, there is a desire to “attract” businesses by what is commonly referred to as EEZ, Enhanced Enterprise Zone.  Sounds innocuous enough, right?  Well…before you say that attracting business is a great idea, and it is, please consider the methods by which they choose to do it.

Mark Flakne, president of Keep Columbia Free, was a guest speaker at our local Ron Paul meeting this past Monday evening.  He invited all of us to the City Council meeting, still in session after our meeting to support those against the “blight” designation and this EEZ business.  And this is not just local; it’s going on all over the country.  Just to make it simple, it seems local government wants to be able to take people’s homes and property to give it to local businesses OR entice new businesses to locate here.  Now, does that really sound like a good plan?  Read Mark Flakne’s latest article about this nefarious situation on Keep Columbia Free.

But, there’s even more.  All over the internet yesterday, and going on for a little while now, is information about the Michigan farmers who have had to “put down” their hog stock because the MI Department of Natural Resources designating the breed as feral and a danger to the state.  While that may be true, if you look into it, these farmers don’t seem to have their herds running willy-nilly all over the state.  They have them well fenced and are in the business of farming or game hunting.  Either way, it’s not our business, it’s theirs, their right to pursue happiness, i.e., provide for their own welfare.  Something, last I checked, is part of the very reason this country was founded.

Below is the article that has stirred up such a fuss.  It does a bit of sensationalizing, but then, taking away someone’s right to make a living is pretty strong stuff!  It would tend to bring out the fire in any of us!

NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs
Natural News
Mike Adams
April 16, 2012

NaturalNews can now confirm that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has, in total violation of the Fourth Amendment, conducted two armed raids on pig farmers in that state, one in Kalkaska County at Fife Lake and another in Cheboygan County. Staging raids involving six vehicles and ten armed men, DNA conducted unconstitutional, illegal and arguably criminal armed raids on these two farms with the intent of shooting all the farmers’ pigs under a bizarre new “Invasive Species Order” (ISO) that has suddenly declared traditional livestock to be an invasive species.  Read More

Related: (The website to which they direct you if you call the offices)
MI Dept of Natural Resources
Feral Swine

Read More about the issue here (Be sure to watch the video on April 17):
Baker’s Green Acre’s Website

I, personally, called the DNR’s Gaylord and Lansing offices (Gaylord gives you the Lansing number, 517-373-1263). This is the contact e-mail info given to me for the DNR director, dnr-director@michigan.gov, and here is my letter:

To whom it may concern,

I read, with interest, the article on Natural News about the 2 farms that were ordered to destroy their hog/swine stock considered an invasive species.

I am not writing to attack or accuse this department of anything, but I would like some answers.  I have been in contact with your Gaylord and Lansing Offices, both of which were very helpful, and both been sent me to the Feral Swine page on the MI.gov site.

Posted on one of the farm owner’s sites is an e-mail from another farm owner stating that “After 8 guys 3 four wheelers, and 4 hours, DNR decided I was correct. I have killed all my hogs. They gave me papers that say I do not have any hogs on my property…They commented to everyone that they never saw a fence built so tough and no way would a hog get out of this area. I trenched 2′ then installed chain link fencing, then a 10′ high tightlock fence on top of that. ( 200 acre area ) They never saw a fence like that.  Emphasis is mine.

My question would have to be, if those hogs couldn’t get out of that fence, why have them killed?  That doesn’t make sense.  I could understand if they were running wild, but to deprive someone in the US, who has taken such precautions and responsibility, of the ability to “pursue his happiness” by providing for his family is unconstitutional and wrong.

I am certainly willing to hear your side of the story, but, again, I have read your web information.  That does not seem to apply to responsible farmers who have taken such precautions.

Consider this, if we, as a people, get in the habit of stopping someone from pursuing their happiness, especially when it does not infringe on our own pursuit, where will it end?  Sure, today it is hogs/swine that have been designated as feral, but tomorrow it could be anything!

Thanks for your time!

Debbie Lewis
Securing Liberty Radio

I am still awaiting a reply, although I’m not kidding myself; don’t truly expect to receive one.

Let’s shift our attention to the hubbub about raw milk, the farmers and in particular, the case of Pennsylvania Amish farmer Dan Allgyer.   While there is much going on in central Missouri right now about raw milk, because of an E. coli outbreak, they admitted Tuesday they have not confirmed the source of the outbreak.

Mr. Allgyer, however, has been a target of the FDA for a while now.  He has been suspended from sending raw milk across state lines.  While that sounds like it does fall under the government’s jurisdiction, “interstate commerce,” the people receiving the milk were actually part of a private buying club who purchased “cow shares” in exchange for the raw milk.  My question has to be, if I went to PA and purchased the milk for my own personal use, would I be allowed to cross the border back into my state with the milk?  AND, these people weren’t duped into purchasing these shares, as many of us are duped, or should I say scared, into taking government approved vaccines.  Both things go into our bodies, but has anyone ever checked the stats on raw milk poisoning vs. adverse reactions to vaccines?  Well, let’s see what I found with a quick search.

According to ProCon.org, and the CDC’s own website, there have been approximately 30,000 vaccine adverse reaction cases reported yearly since 1990, 10- to 15% of which are considered serious, even life-threatening or causing death.  When searching data on the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) website, to move on the actual Data page, you must first read and agree with, the Preceding Statement about VAERS Data, in which it states, “Underreporting” is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”  And, let’s not forget to mention the 5,500 cases reported of a “causal relationship between vaccinations and autism” filed between 2003 and 2009.

According to the CDC’s own document, Nonpasteurized Dairy Products. Disease Outbreaks, and State Laws – United States, 1993 to 2006, of the “disease outbreaks” and 121 products observed for which the pasteurization information was known (both “fluid milk” and cheese products were involved), 60% of the outbreaks were from unpasteurized products.  While the report comments on the fact that there were 202 hospitalizations and 2 deaths related to the unpasteurized products, compared to the 37 hospitalizations and 1 death associated with the pasteurized products, it conveniently fails to comment on their own data that shows there was a 64% rate of associated illness related to the PASTEURIZED products…out of 4,413 illnesses, 2,842 were contracted FROM the pasteurized products.  Personally, I’d say that 2 deaths from consuming raw milk in 13 years does not make consuming raw milk that dangerous.  In their report about the dangers of raw milk, the FDA says that since 1998, “more than 800 people” have become ill from drinking or eating products containing raw milk.  In 2006, ALONE, the CDC reports there were over 800 cases of “disease outbreaks” from salmonella acquired from peanut butter or peanuts, yet you don’t here the FDA telling us not to eat peanuts!

SO, from this quick search of “official data,” we find there are 3,900 serious adverse reactions reported PER YEAR from vaccines vs. raw milk and its 1,571 associated illnesses, resulting in 2 deaths over a 13-YEAR period.  And we are going to run around attacking raw milk farmers because there MIGHT be a problem with the raw milk???  AND, in a free country (this country IS still free, right?), shouldn’t it be my choice what I consume, or put into my own body?  Yet, we are warned to stay away from raw milk and TOLD that vaccines are “mandatory” for our children to enter school.

Flashback to the row over Julie Bass, from Oak Park, MI.  Remember her?  After some work resulted in the digging up of her front yard, Ms Bass decided to plant several vegetable/herb gardens instead of replacing the grass.  The city decided she was in violation of a code that states there must be “suitable, live plant material” in your front yard.  To Ms Bass, veggies and herbs ARE “suitable.”  Apparently not so, according to Oak Park, which was threatening her with 93 days in jail over her veggies…on her own property…in her own front yard…

Go back just a little bit more to the FDA raid on Rawesome Foods, which happened on involve the MO farmers at Morningland Dairy.  This dairy, in business for 30-plus years with no complaints, was ordered to destroy their inventory with no proof of contamination.

We need to understand what is going on here…We are endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which is the right to pursue happiness, which, by definition, means to seek a state of well-being (being healthy), joy, good fortune, PROSPERITY.  I think we can all agree this includes being able to do what we like to support our families.  We are guaranteed the right to privacy and due process, as well.  When they start preventing us from those rights, and we let them, we are, in essence, giving in to their oppression.  Is that really what you want to do?  Are you really willing to give up the promise for which this country was founded?  Are you really willing to let this government become the tyrannical mess from which our founding generation freed us?

It behooves us, as the population of this country, to stand up for the rights of everyone.  If you aren’t willing to speak out for someone, or support their rights in some way, what happens when YOU need the support?  Don’t you understand what made this country so great from the beginning?  The promise of a population free from tyranny and oppression at the hands of a despotic government bent on keep us under their heel!  Please don’t tell me our founding generation died in vain for this country they so believed in, a country that could truly bring a new way of life to the planet, if only its own people would realize the importance of what is going on…I don’t think I could take it!

Need to know about your rights?  Check out Blood of Patriots or Don’t Tread On Me


Taking Cues From Mother Nature

A cool front moved through here between Saturday and yesterday, leaving us with temperatures 20 to 25 degrees cooler for the past two days than most of last week.  As Summer fades into Autumn, the night breeze has a slight chill, as does the daytime breeze, and for some reason, overnight the air seems to be more crisp and clean.  It is a beautiful day here today, and even the sunshine seems somehow prettier.  As things have died out over the Summer heat, the plants that managed to withstand the brutal heat seem to be even brighter.

Our part of the earth is preparing to hibernate, as Autumn will surely give way to Winter.  Our area will be at rest, rejuvenating for the next phase, Spring…and the cycle will repeat…waking, living, resting & sleeping, waking, living, resting & sleeping…on and on it goes.

We tend to push ourselves to the breaking point every single day.  Most of us don’t have too much trouble with the waking part of our day, but we try to cram so much “stuff” into it that we ignore one of the most important thing we can do for ourselves.  Rest & sleeping…

If we pay attention to nature, we can get clues.  Take for instance the perennials.  They sprout forth their life, grow, start to wither and die, only to repeat the cycle, sometimes even bigger and better over the following years.  I’d like to use, as examples, two particular plants; Crape Myrtles and Pampas Grass.

When I lived in Texas, everyone grew Crape Myrtles.  One particular fellow had a fence lined with Crape Myrtles.  I passed his place everyday on my way to work.  Before I knew much about them (I still don’t know too much!), at the beginning of Autumn, he cut every single one of them to the ground.  I thought to myself, “What the heck are you doing, mister?” because they were beautiful…smaller, but beautiful.  The next Spring, after resting the Autumn and Winter, they came back with a vengeance!  They grew bigger and more full, and even more beautiful…that next Fall, he did the same thing…Cut them to the ground!  Yet, in the Spring, they came back and grew even bigger and more lovely…

My parent’s driveway is lined with Pampas Grass.  It is a beautiful sight when they are covered in full plumes.  People here, in the Midwest, grow them, as well.  What they do here, though, in Autumn, is cut them down and burn them off…If you know nothing about it, it sounds crazy, right?  Yet the following year, after the Autumn and Winter rest, they come back fuller and more beautiful.

The same goes for deciduous trees, as well…Ever seen a Maple Tree go through it’s cycle?  Another lovely tree with a similar cycle is the popular Bradford Pear.  Beautiful life emerges in the final throws of Winter and the onset of Spring as the trees flower.  Pretty leaves emerge (most are green, but there are other colors as well.  Japanese Maples are famous for their red or red lined leaves and are very popular ornamental trees!) and by Summer, they are covered with leaves.  In Autumn, as the trees wind down for rest, the leaves put on a SPECTACULAR show as they change color from green to yellow to orange and to red (sometimes having all four colors on one leaf!), as the tree gets ready to shed its leaves for the upcoming hybernation. It is an awesome show!

I have known many people who leave the trees to their own devices, once they are established, and they do alright.  I have also known others to nurture and care for their trees, and boy do they flourish!

There are a couple of things we can learn from Mother Nature…

First, we NEED our rest and relaxation to rejuvenate.  Sure, we can go and go and go all day long, deep into the night, crash onto our beds, get a few hours of sleep, get up the next day and do it all again, but that pace takes a toll on our body, and on our psyche.  Our bodies need proper rest, and nourishment if we plan to live long lives.  Lack of sleep leads to stress, confusion and moodiness.  Stress is one of the main sources for dis-ease and bodily malfunction in otherwise healthy adults.  Lack of sleep causes us to not “think” to our fullest capacity, causing us confusion, which breeds frustration, and then anger.  These are preventable things, if we nourish ourselves through proper rest and diet.

Second, Mother Nature can also show us the beauty of life and dignity in death.  As both the Crape Myrtle and the Pampas Grass and deciduous tree examples show us, we can live our lives in beauty and splendor, and at the end, if we do not fear our life or death, we can transition into our next great adventure, and be even more splendid at that.  Many religions teach us about life after death, reincarnation, etc.  So, as you watch Nature, you can see what happens after it appears to “die.”  The next “life” is so much bigger and more beautiful…and on it goes…

Take good care of yourself, respect yourself and don’t be afraid of what is to come.  Take time to “rest.”  There is nothing wrong with simply being still for a while!  Sure, you can take a vacation every year, but what about a little rest every day?  Take a short walk, relax in a warm bath, read, listen to music, take up a hobby, or yoga.  Get proper rest, and then be SURE to get proper sleep!   The things to promote rest do not have to take up much of your time, but the benefits of rest and sleep are unending!  I challenge each of you to take on your life, but treat it with respect.  Grow, live and nurture your life.   And, try treating every living thing with the same “respect for life” and see what you cultivate in your own!  Many Blessings!



Intentionally Positive…

Want to see some interesting news?  Take a look at this…Jellyfish are shutting down nuclear power plants!  This was sent to me by another friend and great spiritual soul like ourselves.  Read the story…While humankind has no regard for the
environment and its own lives, nature can, and apparently will, take care of it itself!  It is amazing!  Also, these photos of grains of sand remind me of the first stanza of a poem by William Blake,

To see the world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour…

Amazing what the world can do…As many of us who study alternative medicine know, some cultures view the body as a mini solar system.  I think we would be very foolish to think that if our own bodies can heal themselves, given the right energy, so, too, can our earth.  Does this mean we need to trash her?  Heavens no!!!  This world is amazing…even if some of the people on her are totally unaware!

What we do need to do is realize the potential in positive energy and concentrate all we can on it…Positivity can change our outlook and our attitude, our health…and even the world (population and the physical earth)!

Today, may we vow to always strive to look at the world, events and our own lives in the most positive light we can…and by doing so, maybe we can change the outlooks, attitudes, and health of the world!

A New Body? ExCELLent…

There are many things that fascinate me.  I have been on a quest for as much knowledge as I can possibly get.  As I come across things, I am ever learning new things…much to my delight.  Much of these are spiritual, some are political (I am an independent political researcher by day!), some is gardening, and yet others still are related to alternative therapies.

I have always “known” deep down inside that our bodies were made in such a way that, given the proper nutrition and rest, they could heal themselves.  I took biology in high school and college, but must have missed the lesson that captured my attention a few years back while reading that our cells are constantly regenerating…some do it in seconds, some minutes, and still others in years, but they all regenerate…So literally, you can have a “new body” in a matter of years!!!

It is harder to get people (even me!!!) to understand, these days, in our fast paced, instant gratification world that we really do need to eat better, exercise and get the proper rest, for our bodies to be able to do this magnificent thing!  I am not a biologist, by any means, but I do understand cell division…I also understand that with all the impurities and chemicals in our food, water…and air…and the depletion of nutrients in our soil, we do face many challenges with regards to the possibility of regenerating “pure” cells, but I still feel, deep down, that it can be done.

It seems to me that our first step needs to be listen to our bodies.  We might also consider doing a cleanse or two…Next, commit to changing our diet for the better.  Get rid of processed and fast foods…don’t try to do a “cold turkey” sort of approach, but don’t take forever with it, either.  (You can always grow your own, which kind of helps out in the exercise department, as well!)

Next, we need to find and stick to a proper bedtime schedule.  A dear friend of mine told me that he had found in his research sleep before midnight was the most regenerating.  Next we need to find and commit to a a varied exercise program…Walking, swimming, running, pilates, some sort of sport, yoga, tai chi, Qi Gong,  just a mix of things that will get your body and joints moving…While we are at it, let’s not forget to keep our mind active and grow, spiritually.

I am convinced within myself that we can all be better, healthier and live longer without pumping our bodies full of artificial chemicals and impurities…We are magnificent creatures, capable of anything…but we must be willing to participate…

*This information is for entertainment and educational purposes only and should not be used in place of a doctor’s care.  Should you have health concerns, please seek the care of a professional…

Being Still…

There are times when we wonder what we are doing here.  We all think that at one point or another.  For some, it comes up often.  This might be a good time to stop analyzing things so hard, just be still and meditate, pray, things that require no outside intervention, but an actual inner reflecting.

As children, adults tell us to “be still” all the time.  All we want to do is play and don’t understand why we need to “be still.”  As adults, many of us are over-worked and striving to make ends meet, get our bills paid, rear our children and just make it through life.  We don’t, or can’t, find the time to “be still,” and yet sometimes we desperately yearn to do just that.  Sometimes, we even push ourselves so hard, our bodies say, “I’ve had enough!” and force us to “be still,” as we recover from whatever illness gets us down.

We have become a society that prizes going…all the time…we MUST cram as many things as we possibly can into our day.  But, in doing so, we forget about ourselves…the need of our soul to just be still and reflect…not to DO anything but simply BE.

Meditation is beneficial on many levels, as it is a fabulous stress reducer.  You can slow your heart rate, relieve tension, steady your breath…Here is a list of 100 benefits of meditating.  If that is just too “out there” for you and what you have been taught, try a mainstream source for benefits, Psychology Today’s article.  Here is  something else on the Prayer Wheel.

For those who “would never meditate,” prayer is beneficial, as well.  An article on Newsmax cites Dr Anne McCaffrey of the Harvard Medical School with regards to prayer.

There is tons of info on the benefits of meditation and prayer.  Why not delve into some of it…Take advantage of the benefits before it is too late…Heaven knows, I need reminding!  Make some time, everyday, to just “be still” and meditate.  You can meditate, pray, or just clear your mind…but just “be still”…you might be surprised what you can learn about yourself!

Body Language

Body language

Have you ever wondered how the medical establishment views health? Well if we put the pieces of the puzzle
together perhaps we can better understand the true intentions of medical
sciences. Consider this, when you have a problem with your health, say
…arthritis, you make an appointment with your doctor in order to feel
better … in order to be healed of the malady which has been visited upon
you. When you get to the doctor you explain to them that you are
experiencing pain and joint discomfort, loss of strength and vitality.
The doctor then examines you, possibly runs some tests and comes back
with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. In your mind you envision
the crippled hands and joints of one suffering from this debilitating
disease and quickly ask the doctor if he can heal you… the doctor takes
out his little pad and writes down a prescription telling you that
although rheumatoid arthritis in not curable he can lessen the pain and
slow the destruction of the dis ease , and like many you thank him for
helping you to overcome this painful ailment and hurry off to the
pharmacy to get your medicine. Well… lo and behold, the medicine works
and you feel much better, everything is back to normal. You continue
your prescription remedy and every thing seems fine, except that is for
the slight headache and stomach discomfort…not bad just a little bother,
nothing serious…must be a touch of the flu or something. Then after a
couple of months you begin to feel tenderness around your mid section, a
bloating kind of tenderness, and for some reason you seem to have
picked up a kidney infection. Better get back to the doctor for another
prescription. So you make another appointment and the doctor examines
you, and says, yes you seem to have a kidney infection and your pancreas
is swollen and inflamed. But don’t worry take these pills and you will
feel better. You ask him why am I having this trouble and the doctor
says, well, it could be your diet, or you could just be getting old, you
nod, and take the prescription to your local pharmacy and pick up your
medication, and the game plays on…..

This is how the medical community works, by prescription, they are not in it for the cure, that
would be a silly and self destructive thing to do. If they cure you, you
don’t come back.. If you don’t come back they go out of business. In
other words, curing you is the last thing they intend to do. You are no
good to them if you are healthy. So if the doctor sees you as a monetary
asset why on earth would you think he had your best interest and health
at heart?

Well believe it or not, millions of people are life long
members of the false health system, and they have the ill health to
prove it! With prescription regimens consisting sometimes of dozens of
medications to deal with everything from indigestion to athletes foot
and every thing in between. It is no wonder that the majority of the
worlds population are suffering, getting sicker faster and dying slowly
as they become less and less vital leading to inevitable death at the
hands of medical science. Yes we pay dearly to die at the hands of the
medical establishment, and they just love us for it!

So how can we change this self destructive course we are on… after all, its not
just the prescriptions that are killing us, there are toxins in every
thing we touch, eat, drink, wear and breathe. In the following text we
will explore options and remedies that if taken seriously and used will
bring us to a place of true and vital health. Will this guarantee life
long disease and chronic pain free health? Speaking from experience I will say emphatically

So here we go, the adventure awaits…..

Where does ill health come from?

This may seem an obvious question to many, but if you buy into the genetic
marker disease argument then I need to bust that bubble . Genetics may
play a part in our propensity for dis ease… but if we are nutritionally
sound then there is no correlation no reason that our genetic make up
should lead inevitably to ill health. It is only when our bodies can not
sustain itself due to lack of nutrition that we fall ill and open the
doors to those genetic markers. The problem is.. That today, nutrition
can not be found in our commercial food industries, the products we
purchase touting the nutritional benefits of vegetables, fruits and even
meats are misleading at beast and criminal at worst. When your purchase processed
food products you are purchasing dead nutrition-less food,
chocked full of chemicals and preservatives, none of which are beneficial
to the body and all of which are harmful. But we can not stop here…
there’s more.

Food is one way in which the medical establishment
corrupts the body and creates new patients, but what about the other
things we ingest or consume on a daily basis? Every thing, shampoo,
mouth wash, toothpaste, deodorant, make up, hair dye, all carcinogens,
with a guarantee of toxic effect. Then we move on to the clothes we
wear, shoes, gloves, socks , and even our underwear, babies diapers,
pajama’s you name it.. If it is not made of unbleached undyed cotton or
other natural fabrics your skin will soak up toxins on a continual

It’s easy to over look the toxic environment, we focus so much on
what the governments and industry do blatantly yet all the while we are
soaking up toxins from every available source. It is no wonder that the
worlds population are sick and dying, the medical and consumer industry
have provided the perfect vector for their poisons.

How can we possibly expect to retain health in such a deadly environment? To be
honest, it will take more than a clean and chemical free food supply,
more than safe and pure drinking water, it will take sacrifice, a change
in lifestyle, and a change in how you view health and nutrition. The
things I will tell you here are not secrets held by a chosen few over
the ages nor will they be new scientific models given by the medical
establishment, it‘s not a new way of looking at health.. The things I
will tell you are simple, ancient and provable the only issue you will
have is your commitment and desire to live a vital and healthy life, if
the commitment is there then you can achieve health… I know some of you
will say, well it may be easy for you but not where I live… but then I
did not say it was going to be easy, nothing worth having is easy, but
if you truly are committed to your health then you will find a way to
institute these simple lifestyle changes which in many ways will be much
more accessible and cheaper to come by..

The Vital Diet
There is only one way in which to insure that your body gets the nutritional
elements it needs to function properly in order to retain vitality. You
have heard of the food pyramid, designed by the American Food and Drug
Administration, a guide to daily nutritional needs. Well I find that the
information and literature on this subject are much more useful when
used as the lining on bird cages. The correct and wholesome (with the
life therein) nutritional chart reads much better …it goes like this;

Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Nuts, and Seeds.
A daily diet which involves these five food groups is by far the more
advantageous route to health., (do ya hear me FDA, lets talk!). If this
sounds kind of simple and basic… well that’s cause it is. But there is
more to it, let me explain… before civilization, and the advent of
communal life where one size fit everyone… people did not sit down to
dinner, they did not ingest food that was prepared, cooked or baked…
although roots and grains were boiled because of the density and
digestibility, mostly the foods were eaten on a continuous basis,,,or on an
as needed basis. This is because the energy of live food afforded the
most nutrition then and it still does today.

Eat your food raw as much as possible, vegetables cooked, steamed
or boiled have very little if any nutritional value, it is dead food,
processing kills nutrition every time!
The body does not have a time schedule for nutrition, there are
too many variables, activity, age, and environment. The body is a
machine, a self regulating machine, a self medicating machine.. Eating
large nutritionally dead meals may fill you up for the moment, but the
truth of the matter is you are overloading your digestive tract, and
causing excess bacteria and toxins to attach themselves to your system,
your body is full of nothing but useless dis ease building material. It
may taste good, and smell good but like everything else the propaganda
machine puts out…it’s a lie. A diet of fresh vital fruits, vegetables,
grains, nuts and seeds eaten on a continual basis will provide your body
with everything it needs to retain health and vitality. Snacking your
way to health instead of eating your way to dis ease.

I can not control the circumstances or difficulties that you may face due to area,
legalities, or monetary issues, these are beyond my ability to change.
What I can do however, is show you what can be achieved in the simplest
way possible for you to stay vital in the face of the environmental
toxins and dis ease that effects all of us.

A steady diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds , any nuts and seeds, some may hold
better vitamin or protein density, but if you are able to mix it up you
will get what you need. You can purchase dry fruit which if dried
naturally will retain its nutritional benefits, or you can dehydrate
them yourself. There are many ways to make a solar dehydrator, and lots
of information can be found online. Vegetables should be eaten raw, but
can also be dried, the more water content the better the nutritional
value after drying. Seeds such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin
seeds etc. are excellent sources of protein and other nutrients, and
wild harvested seed grasses have high nutritional value. Grains such as
wild rice, wheat, barley etc. are dense and require heat to release the
nutrients inside , which makes them an excellent match for legumes, rice
combined with beans make up a complete amino acid peptide chain, a
power house of balanced nutrition, combine that with fresh raw onions,
celery, carrots etc. and nothing could be more healthy! Juices are
essential but, you should not mix your fruits too much,. When we eat or
drink our mouth secretes enzymes which tell the stomach what it will be
digesting, regulating the stomach acids so that it is in balance.
Because fruits like apples have differencing sugars than say a
grapefruit this can sometimes if done frequently enough cause stomach
digestion issues.

Make yourself a little bag of goodies to take with you
every day, instead of filling your stomach with processed dead food,
grab a handful of dried fruit, nuts and or seeds. Eat it slowly,
allowing the enzymes to do their job, you will find not only are you
less hungry, but your energy level will not spike up and down. Do this
every day, then when you get home at night , eat a well balanced meal,
including meat if you like, but keep in mind that it takes the stomach
much longer to digest meat, so don’t eat as much. Also drinking during
the meal can weaken the stomach acids causing slow or incomplete

Another way to make sure that the stomach is ready for a
balanced meal is to eat an apple about thirty minutes before your meal.
This allows fiber for digestion and other nutrients good for digestion.
Don’t over eat! Stop before you are full, your stomach will love you for

Body Language, How The Body Talks

*Note, Body Language should have been published first, my mistake!

In my previous blog I discussed the need for vital, and wholesome food consumption for optimal health, but there are other ways in which we can also help our body to make the most of our daily diet. Beyond food and nutrition there is the body communication.

Once again if we retrace our steps backwards to our ancestors we will find that we are very different in our physiology as well as our mental and emotional states. Our ancestors viewed life very differently from what we perceive as life today.. The goals were of a more simpler and holistically pure motivation… food and shelter. Simple survival.

Today our goals are no longer simple, survival has taken on a different meaning. We do not eat for survival anymore.. we eat for pleasure, social interaction, taste and our appetites have grown, but not out of necessity, the amount of wholesome food required for health is not excessive and is far less then what we consume on a daily basis.

Eating is much more a social interaction of status and fulfillment of the taste buds. The exception to this rule would be the always in a hurry just grab a bite swallow and run attitude toward food. When we sit down to order a meal do we first consider what it is that our body needs? Do we even know? Sadly … and i say this sincerely …no we don’t. In fact i think it is safe to say that for the majority the thought never enters the equation. We want well cooked tasty food, and we want it quick and affordable! Is it any wonder that the vast majority of people living today are chronically ill and vitamin deficient, if food is not nutritious, if it does not feed the body, then what exactly can you expect of your health.

Listening to your body talk

The body is a wonderfully constructed machine… what we see as a simple task such as picking up a newspaper actually requires millions of chemical releases within the body and brain.. these chemical interactions produce the required bodily actions..increasing and decreasing blood flow, muscle contractions,eye movement, and the translation of visual to chemical stimulus needed to complete the task… yet, did you tell your body what to do?

Did you tell it which hormones to release, how much, and for how long? Did you mentally do the math required to perform the function? Need I say more… lets face it… your body is much smarter, faster and accurate than you will ever be. It can do the math and complete the equation before you have had time to add 1+1, and if you think you are good at multi-tasking think again. The body handles millions of body functions twenty four hours a day 365 days a year, non stop… over and over without a hitch… until it runs out of nutrition.

The only way that the body functions is with specific fuel… The only way to health is through nutrition, the body can only use vitamins, minerals and proteins, and they must be organic, fresh and wholesome. If you deprive the body of the essentials then you deprive yourself of health and will surely damage and possibly kill the body that sustains you. This is a cold hard fact… if you do not eat a nutritious diet your body can not function, will not function and you will find yourself a victim of any available dis ease that comes your way.

Pain, how come it hurts when i do this?

Ever have those aches and pains that seem to constantly bother you for a day or two and then subside..get more manageable only to recur more severe over time..till evertually the pain becomes unbearable and we finally go to the doctor for relief..pay the heftly clinic fee, treatment fee, x-rays and the prescription… maybe it was an infection, anemia, bronchitis or one of the many other illness’s associated with mal nutrition…yes that’s right..those fast food burgers, and trendy restaurants may have provided a pleasant social environment or a quick lunch on the go…but they did not come bearing gifts of nutritious bounty… they instead added more work for already nutritionally deprived body. How come your doctor did not tell you that?

There are many ways that the body talks to you… skin rashes, headaches, indigestion, tenderness in the mid section, muscle cramps… these are signals that something is not working right… your body is communicating not only within to the necessary nerves, cells, and hormones…but to you also. Learning to hear what your body is saying is not hard.. eating nutritious wholesome food is the only prescriptive cure.

Taking Charge…

What a mess we find in the world today!  Death (more like murder!), destruction, depression…devastation…Mostly man-made!  Many of us may say, “What can I do about it?”

There are more than enough things that actually ARE preventable.

Many of the illnesses we have today could be prevented by better nutrition and less tampering with agriculture and the water supply (the affects of fluoride and chlorine on the thyroid).  We could avoid so much by stopping some of our medical practices (There have been several studies that show especially Type 1 Diabetes (and here)  is related to some childhood vaccines, as well as many cases of autism stemming from mercury in the vaccines.), not to mention the many illnesses caused by the many side effects of many prescription drugs on the market today and other illnesses caused by our medical industry.  It hurts my heart every time I read of things like these happening!

We could also avoid a lot by just getting back to an older way of life…with less conveniences.  I can hear the chorus of shouts against THAT, but are we really willing to give up so much just so things are “convenient?”  Some of us like to garden, and I understand that others don’t.  But, you do not have to garden to reap the benefits of fresh produce!  Go to the Farmers Market, so…growing your own food isn’t something you’d have to take on unless you wanted to!  But, we could get away from so much processed foods and actually cook meals at home!  In the hectic lifestyle to which we have grown accustomed these days, we need to find ways to relieve stress, and cooking is actually one of those ways!  Wow!  Two benefits making  one change!  Remember way back before virtually everyone had computers and cell phones, much less phones that could put you right on the internet?  People actually got out and did stuff…met their neighbors, played ball with their children and sometimes even had neighborhood gatherings…Today, people would rather text or e-mail than actually talking with someone on the phone!

As for war, it’s time we figured out that war doesn’t work…all it brings is death, disability and destruction…Just how long will it take us to learn that???

So, what do we do about all of that?  After all, we don’t declare war, Congress does that…We can’t make that decision…Well, you can do something about it…pay attention to what is going on.  If your congressmen and women are more interested in war than resolution, maybe you need new representation!  You can take care of that starting at the local level, and move that action all the way to the federal level.  Do you think the “Tea Party” is the only organized bunch of people that can affect an actually change in representatives?  Of course not!

The point is, you have to be present in every aspect of your own life and cannot simply live by default!  Get out there and protest what you don’t believe in!  Make your views known!  Research things that are important to you!  Get to know what is going on around you.  It is up to us to take care of things, get involved, get active…in everything!  Just think of what we could do if we became active in our own lives…actually had our say!  It is ultimately up to us to take charge…so let’s do it!

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By suggesting reading and alternative therapies, we are not attempting to diagnose or treat any illness. Our suggestions are merely that, based on personal experience and research and should, in no way, be a substitute for medical advice.