Life, Mended

Out of the depths, wandering free,
Soul’s first adventure on Its own.
Death and destruction, mayhem and madness.
“Who would want this?” ” What have I chosen?”

Don’t want to turn back, the light, it still shines.
With some, comes some more.  This one I can win!
Lessons are learned, as hard as they are.
Other choices are made, the difference is clear.

Darkness moves from sight, into the corners.
Slinking away and hiding with guilt.
As Soul takes charge, clearing the mess
left by a life that was lived by default.

Life gives up the suffering, learning to love,
not only Itself, but others alike.
Becoming more kind, gentle and clear,
The prize is at hand, Life sees past Its fears.

More sure of Its host, Soul rejoins the Body.
Loving thoughts They do think, together as One.
Helping the others, family and friends,
mending the fences and broken bridges.

New is the Creature, tranquil and sure
Life springing forth, no longer in doubt.
Pristine and perfect, glistening bright.
Giving forth much, and so mends the Life.

Respecting Self and Others…

Respect seems sorely lacking these days…between Adults, Parents & children, spouses, children, both in families and in school, co-workers and even for our own self.  Even with the multitudes of churches, intolerance for bullying on school campuses “diversity training” in the workplace and efforts to raise self-esteem, respect has dwindled to nearly nothing.  (And I am from the South…land of hospitality!)

I can’t say what first started the decline, but it is truly annoying!  Why can’t we respect ourselves and others?  What has changed to cause the lack of respect?  And, when will we get it back?

I do not have the answers to these questions, but I would like to put forth some thoughts.

You are the face to the world of the Ultimate Self, and that position demands respect.  You are a sacred treasure, prized by Your Creator…yet, unfortunately, we lose sight of that.  We get caught up in the worldly.  We forget just WHO we are, and we act with disregard, neglect, apathy…towards ourselves, and towards others.

Respect is defined as high or special regard or to consider worthy of high regard; esteem.  And to esteem someone means we place a high value on him or her.  So…strictly speaking, if we no longer respect someone, we no longer find value in them…they are no longer special.  That goes for us, as well.

We must first regard ourselves highly before we can expect that treatment for ourselves or return the regard to others.  This is not a pep talk on how to be good to you, it is a fact.

If you have no respect for yourself, why not?  Answer the questions honestly, why DO you feel you are of little worth?  Can you change it, and if so, why wouldn’t you?  What is holding you back?  Is it lack of education?  Is it a weight issue?  Is it something you were told or how you were treated, or not treated, by someone you respected?  Would it help to know that you are not the only one with these issues?

Many people feel like they lack education and they either do not have the money or time to invest in higher education.  BUT, that doesn’t have to stop you!  There are many great books out there on many a great topic.  You can find books on nearly everything.  If books do not interest you, there are always DVD’s.  I have seen them on nearly every subject, as well.  You can take charge of that concern.

Many people have weight problems, too.  Sometimes we stress eat, sometimes we don’t eat the right things, sometimes we don’t exercise, and sometimes there are medical issues to be found and cleared up.  All of these things can be taken charge of, as well.

Many people are also treated disrespectfully by those they once held in high regard.  Whether that person is your parents, teachers, preachers, siblings, boss, whomever, you cannot give them charge of you.  By succumbing to their bad treatment, you give away your own power.  Chances are, these people have been treated badly at some point, as well, and while that is no excuse for bad behavior, we must learn to take charge of our own situation.

With respect for you, however, if you are in a position of deep depression or possible destructive behavior and you feel you can see no way out, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with seeking help…nothing.  Talk to family or friends, or seek outside help if you need it…remembering that realizing you have a problem is the first step…

We are worthy of the utmost respect; to be highly prized…we are VERY special.  As unique expressions of Creation, we are worth SO much…but then, so is everyone around us!  It’s time we started acting like the valuable, prized beings we are…Truly, until you are happy with your self, it will be hard to be happy with those around you.  See where and what you can make changes to help you feel treasured by you…then, spread the love…What happens might be surprised you!

Spiritual Appetite…

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat” (and some us of reflect that!!!), but have we ever considered that with regards to our spirituality?  What if we modified it to “You are what you pray?”

Do you pray for the good of the person for whom you are praying, or do you pray selfishly?  Do you think positive thoughts for people (another form of prayer!), or are your thoughts self-serving?  Once, one of my friends admitted she was praying against what I wanted because she did not want me to move forward to the next phase of my life…She wanted me to stay where I was…How do you think Karma affected that situation?  I did get my desire to move forward, by the way!

AND…if you will pray/send thoughts like this for a friend, how, spiritually, are you treating those you consider your enemy?  What does the Bible have to say about that???  Matthew 5:44 says, “…love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those insulting you and persecuting you…” and why?  Because what reward is there if you love only those who love you…How can you grow, if you do what is “safe?”  The bible tells us that, too…it also says Our Creator sends both sun and rain to the good and evil…but for us to be perfect, as Our Creator in heaven is perfect.

We’ve talked about praying and meditating so much that it becomes SO routine that your subconscious actually thinks positive thoughts on its own…but, likewise, we can “train” our subconscious to think negatively, as well…And that will come back to bite you if you are not careful…Remember Karma…what goes around comes around???

I challenge you, today, to start a campaign for the positive…if you catch yourself thinking negatively about someone, or even something, find something positive to think for the situation, no matter how small…before you no it, all your thoughts will be positive and your Spiritual Appetite will be more than satisfied!

Imagination Run Amuck…

What is it that frightens you?  Keeps you from doing what you’d like to do?  Keeps you held hostage by the very fear of wondering, “what if something bad happens?”  Maybe you feel you will lose your job, relationship, friends, house…whatever?  Fear, of course, serves a purpose…We don’t jump off cliffs for fear of dying.  We don’t stick our hands on an open flame for fear we will get burned.  We don’t step in front of a car for fear we will be run over…But are these really “fears” or is it merely common sense?

What do you suppose we could accomplish if we all simply realized fear is the workings of our own imagination and if we learn to control our imagination, we control our fear?

Most of us fear something, and we really have no clue if what we fear will ever come to fruition…we just fear it.  Could what we fear be a possible consequence? What if we looked at fear as a “curse?” How could we rid ourselves of this “curse?”  To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, “It’s not the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.”

If we finally break free of our fear and do something anyway, we find out that the consequence we feared would happen is not the ONLY thing that COULD happen in that particular situation…in fact, you may find a very different outcome, one you did NOT imagine…but the only way to find out is to try.

Don’t worry, I fear a lot, myself, but to fear is not to live, because you cannot truly “live” while you fear. You can be comfortable in the knowledge that you have nothing to fear if you do not go forward with an idea or plan, but is “comfortable” REALLY living?

So, today, I will begin my journey into the unknown…I will take one of my long sought after dreams and begin fulfilling it, knowing that if I don’t even try, I will never know what could have been…And along the way, I might actually learn something about truly living!


Someone said start over
any time, anywhere
and I’ve taken it to heart,
my own cross to bear,
But the past keeps bleeding
over into the future.
Now if I could stop that,
Might get where I want to.

Until one day I realize,
as I start once again,
I am stronger than this,
and my soul starts to mend.
The clearing I see,
not too far ahead,
is beautifully bright,
not filled with dread!

The fear that I hold
in the palm of my hand
is unrealized,
drifting away like the sand
on a beach with the water,
chasing forward and back
I find that courage
isn’t something I lack.

My future, I find
is steady and sure,
if I keep my head clear
and keep my thoughts pure.
So I can move forward
knowing I can still win
my future’s unknown,
it’s truly unwritten!

About Prayer…

The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” and for many of us, we feel we have no time for that…The Bible also tells us not to ramble on when we pray, so, wouldn’t “praying without ceasing” be considered “rambling on?”

Let me just say, from my own experience, when you apply positive energy and meditative prayer to your daily life, and you just say fast prayers throughout the day, on a regular basis, you will find that you will catch yourself actually praying for others when you didn’t even know you were!

What a blessing…You are literally “praying without ceasing!”  How amazing is that!?!  AND, if you keep it short, it is really easy to send that positive energy to others throughout the day, training your subconscious to continue it!!!

SOOOO…with that being said, I would like to remind you that Our Beloved knows EXACTLY what everyone on this earth needs…and you can pray for EVERYONE by simply using a few words…this is just a suggestion;

Blessed Divine, Mother and Father to us all, Creator of all things, the people of this world are in search of help…You know what they need, You know what they are striving for.  May Your love, light and grace bless them where they are, and focus their attention on their intention…Thank You for Your guidance, understanding and, most of all, Your love and light in my life.  So be it!

You can find something as simple and easy that suits you…and viola…you are praying for the whole world!!!

If things don’t get better, don’t get discouraged, just keep sending that positive energy!  You need to remember one of the most important things about positive energy and prayer…people need to be willing to accept it!  It still doesn’t hurt to continue praying for everyone…Who knows when someone will “let their guard down” and actually accept someone else’s positivity into their lives!?!  And, their outcome is not up to us, it is ultimately up to them…But, again, it does us absolutely NO HARM to put the positive out there…NONE!  Ever heard “what goes around comes around?”  Yep, you put positive energy out there, and you will be blessed!

So…get to it!  Send out all the positivity you can…and may you reap the blessings of your own positive nature!

Blessings All Around!

If, today, you feel led to pray or meditate for someone, remember, there are SO many out there who could use positive thoughts, why not pray for all?  People everywhere are in need of Divine comfort and love, why nor extend it to everyone?

Remember, too, blessing your friends is not that hard to do, but blessing your enemy…now THAT takes strength and courage!

Treat the world as you would yourself…Be kind, generous, thoughtful and compassionate…Use your Divine Energy to reach out to the whole world…And, as for you???

May your life today be filled with True love and light, and may you be blessed today, and always!

Together…or not…

In times of strife and trouble, we can either stand together,
at which point we could achieve better results more quickly,
or, we can stand alone, face our fears alone, be alone.

The situation in the world, not just one nation, country, city or town,
seems dismal, dire, and distressing…and yet we stand alone.

Those who stand alone make desperate decisions
that have a devastating impact on their lives.

Some demand that others acquiesce to their demands,
even while offering help,
As if they, or their country, is more important…

In the eyes of the Supreme Creator, we are all equal.
No one is better, or worse, than anyone else…
A hard concept to grasp, but true none the less!

While we all make different decisions, thus have different outcomes,
it doesn’t change the fact that we are all still the same in the eyes of the Divine.

Today, look upon all people as equal…
Having the very same right to life, freedom and prosperity
as everyone else…
help them to become the very best they can be.
In doing so, you also help yourself,
for how can a planet where everyone becoming their best
be a bad thing???

Intentionally Positive…

Want to see some interesting news?  Take a look at this…Jellyfish are shutting down nuclear power plants!  This was sent to me by another friend and great spiritual soul like ourselves.  Read the story…While humankind has no regard for the
environment and its own lives, nature can, and apparently will, take care of it itself!  It is amazing!  Also, these photos of grains of sand remind me of the first stanza of a poem by William Blake,

To see the world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour…

Amazing what the world can do…As many of us who study alternative medicine know, some cultures view the body as a mini solar system.  I think we would be very foolish to think that if our own bodies can heal themselves, given the right energy, so, too, can our earth.  Does this mean we need to trash her?  Heavens no!!!  This world is amazing…even if some of the people on her are totally unaware!

What we do need to do is realize the potential in positive energy and concentrate all we can on it…Positivity can change our outlook and our attitude, our health…and even the world (population and the physical earth)!

Today, may we vow to always strive to look at the world, events and our own lives in the most positive light we can…and by doing so, maybe we can change the outlooks, attitudes, and health of the world!

Playing to Win!!!

I’ve been doing a WHOLE lot of soul searching…You see, my “day job” puts me in touch with lots of people who absolutely believe that prophesy in the Bible is set in stone…cannot be changed.  With 2012 right around the corner and the seeming devastation, both economic and weather related, people seem ripe to believe we are doomed…DOOMED, they tell ya!

Well…what is the purpose of creation, if it was doomed from the very beginning?  It reminds me of the no-win scenario in Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru.  In this instance, I will be using the philosophy of Captain Kirk…I don’t believe in no-win situations…So where does that leave us???

I am of the mind that prophesy can be changed, if people understand what is at stake and act upon it…We can change the future for the better…BUT…People need to understand a few things…As in:

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we continue to oppress others…and it isn’t people in other countries only oppressing their own…The sooner we reconcile what we do to others right here (and abroad), the better (From the Federal Government on down to each individual)!

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we cannot learn to take responsibility for our own actions and stop foisting them off on others…

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we cannot learn to “love our neighbor as ourselves”,  PERIOD.  That doesn’t mean you should want to “hook up with” or marry everyone you come across…That means a deep compassionate concern for the welfare of others…EVEN when they are not nice to you.

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we do not strive to do better in all things…Yes, ALL THINGS!

And, one more thing…We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we continue to dwell on the negative…negativity is a drain on all of us…it breeds negativity.  We can’t absolutely ignore the negative, but we can acknowledge it and then we MUST focus on the positive if we hope to make positive changes.

Sooo00…It seems the ball is now in our court…What we choose to do with it is ultimately up to us…And, by the way…I DON’T play to lose…I planning on WINNING this!

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By suggesting reading and alternative therapies, we are not attempting to diagnose or treat any illness. Our suggestions are merely that, based on personal experience and research and should, in no way, be a substitute for medical advice.