Experience the Good

In reading my book this morning I ran across something that, while my Inner Being obviously  knows this, my “human” being has not quite grasped it, but it is simple and beautiful…

“The world starves in the midst of plenty, weeps in the midst of joy.  Yet the Eternal Manna has never ceased to fall.  The fields of God are ripe unto harvest.  The garden of your mind was planted by a Wisdom superior to yours.  Enter in and possess the Promised Land.  When you accept in simple faith, you shall receive.  When you knock in child-like belief, the door will be opened.  What you seek with enthusiastic acceptance, you will find.”  This passage comes from the book “This Thing Called You” by Ernest Holmes.

Go through your day’s journey with the knowledge that you are in control.  Negate negative thoughts and accept the truth…You are the children of a MOST Divine Creator, and in that, you possess that inheritance…the same inheritance that Jesus/Yahushua spoke so often about.  Remember always he told you that you could do all things, if only you believe…You can do what he did, and more, if only you believe…

I think these days we are bogged down with someone else’s experience…someone else’s reality…and we forget we have our own.  Don’t let someone else’s “stuff” cloud, or crowd, your own stuff.  Try to approach every thing as if it is, not just yours, but THE very first experience with it.  You might be surprised at the outcome!

May you experience all the richness of Spirit today, as you move through your day’s journey…love, peace, joy…with the realization that you are not alone!

Revelations to Start the Week…

May thanksgiving flow from your heart to Our Creator and our many brothers and sisters in this life.

May you find within your own soul the courage you seek, knowing you were designed in the image of supreme wonder.   May today find peace in your heart and love in every crevice of your being.  May this courage, peace and love reflect out to those whom you encounter, spreading Divine joy and comfort to all.

May you embrace and rejoice in your place as a child of Our Divine Creator.  May the understanding that you are Divine by right of creation, a child of Our Blessed Creator, be yours today.  You, as are we all, truly special.  May acceptance of who you are always help you understand that you are truly loved, regardless of how you are perceived in this earthly place.

Today, also understand that you have free will.  If you chose to ignore your Divinity, you are only doing harm to yourself.  The ones crossing your path, truly searching, will still find their divinity…

When you realize and embrace your Divine inheritance, may you have the courage to help others find theirs.  May we all understand the ability we have to assist others and strive to do so from a place of honest, deep concern and commitment to peace, happiness, joy, healing, light and love.

Today, may you realize YOU are who you’ve been waiting for.  May you TRULY embrace this knowledge, as only YOU can change your journey, should it need to be changed…May this day be filled with unending opportunities, and may you find the one you are searching for this very minute.  May the many blessings of Our Divine Creator encircle you today, this week, and always.  Halleluyah!


Life sometimes finds us at a crossroads,
no clear way forward or back.
Yearning for some new adventure,
seeking anything new.

Moving in a strange direction,
unsure what lies ahead,
we can find ourselves reflecting.
on “better times” we’ve had.

Fear of future happenings
can catch us unprepared.
Looking for something familiar,
stable, well comfortable anyway!

Thoughts of our precious babies,
bring on nostalgic glows.
Maybe a parent, or old friends,
favorite uncle, aunt or cousin.

Great times we’ve had in days gone by,
and we hope to have again,
makes us wary of uncertainty,
we shy away from the unfamiliar.

But, you’ll never know what lies ahead,
unless you venture forth.
Can’t let fear of the undiscovered,
keep us from pushing onward.

Reflection is a marvelous tool,
it keeps us humbled, and aware,
of where our journey started,
and how we far we’ve made it though.

But it can also weigh us down,
particularly if we let it.
So be aware the road lies ahead,
but cherish your rememberings.

My New Year’s Wish

May our new year be filled with the deep kind of joy that we can only get when we realize that we are loved beyond measure and that Our Divine Creator is with us always…and that we are joined together in spirit.  We are all connected and so should be sending love to all. When one of us does well, all of us benefit, even if it is just on the spiritual level, which is, after all, the best level!

May you find comfort in knowing that you are a blessing to Our Creator. May the blessings of Our Divine clothe you always, prop you up when needed and carry you through your journey…You are Your Creator’s child, so bask in that realization. Let the new year begin, bringing with it all the new and exciting adventures for the next chapters in our journey…Peace, joy, love and happiness to you all.

Divine Comfort

Today, the Divine in me will reach out to the Divine in you…we will comfort, support and care for one another, realizing we are not so different…We have similar wants and desires…and mine is that the Peace of the Ages will fill us to overflowing as the Creator of all there is blesses each one of us today, and always…this is an exceptional journey and we are all on different paths, perhaps even the same journey, looking for a unique perspective.  Working together while respecting the desires of another is what binds our lives and helps us rejoice at our blessings and hold each other high during times of sorrows.

Never give in to the doubt and fear.  Realization and change comes from deep within our very souls…We truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for…and so we press on until the whole world knows peace, joy and love!

Blessings to All

May the blessings of our Mother/Father Creators rain down on you today,
showering you with more love, peace, happiness and prosperity
than you can surely handle.

May your blessings spill over onto your family and friends,
granting them their blessings, in turn.
But let it not end there…

For there are so many people in need of positive energy,
healing energy…Divine energy, and it is, indeed,
in abundance right now.

Every moment we raise up our voices in agreement,
is another moment we work together
to solve the world’s problems.

Today, may we see clear to make a difference, not just in our lives,
but in the many lives with which we are joined,
One by one, we can do this.

As we join hands and hearts to enable this cosmic awakening,
may we be ever mindful of our place in this blessed universe,
for we truly are part of the Omnipotent I Am…

Simply Be…

Waking up and breathing in the newly created day,
imagination runs wild with visions of possibility.
Aware of my own self and my part in this creation,
Moving with my own purpose at hand…
To be the best me I can be.

Doing what comes naturally, I simply am.
Many will read far to little, or far too much,
into that innocent notion.
And yet, I can’t help but wonder why?
We’ve have been told who we are from the beginning…

Many teach it a different way, causing doubt, fear,
desolation, and even the need for repentance.
I assure you, though, that is not it…
The way is vastly less complicated…
We’ve been told it’s more child-like…

So be who you are, there’s no need to fear…
Harming none, respecting all,
as the many great sages of old have taught.
Embrace your potential, Divine in your birth,
Glory and Honor await your recognition!

My “Lord’s Prayer”

In Spirit & love,
We come before you today,
Precious Mother/Father Creator;

Thank You for this glorious day,
Thank You for the people I will encounter and
for those whose lives will touch mine.

Thank you for the blessings in my life today,
My Family,
My Friends (who are also part of my family),
The food that will nourish body, mind and soul,
The courage  to face my challenges,
The Faith to know you are always with me to surround me,
My Strength in the face of adversity.

Today, please use me as a vessel of love and encouragement
from which others can draw,
And let my soul reach out and caress others in need.

Let Your Light and Love rain down on all who desire you care,
Today, and forevermore…

The love of my life…

Looking in your eyes today,
I saw baby staring back.
You are so grown up, now,
and such a joy to behold!

It seems like forever
since you were young, just a babe,
but there’s my little one
looking through your eyes…

Sometimes, I tend to forget,
because you are so grown,
how vulnerable you are.
How you still look up to me.

I would take your pain, if I could.
Protect you from sorrow and strife.
Make your life perfect, flawless.
Spectacular…but it’s not up to me.

You have to find the courage within,
to seek out your dreams.
Have faith in yourself…
because you are amazing!

I love you, my child, more than you will ever know.
All I can do is hope you learned something of value
during your time with me.
Something that can get you through your life here.
It isn’t always easy, but it can be you joy.
Only you can make those decisions…

But if I could…I would…

You are the Chosen One…

In light of everything going on in this world, go to our mirror, and repeat after me:

I am a perfectly wonderful expression of Creation.
Our Divine loved me enough to give me life,
and I am going to use this opportunity to do everything in my power to bless those around me.
In doing so, I also bless myself, as we are all connected on this life’s journey;
What affects one, affects me, too.

Our Blessed Mother/Father Creator has given me freedom of choice,
and with that, I can choose to do anything, even change my mind.
And, while sometimes I may feel like not choosing, I understand that that, too, is a choice.

I cherish the thought of learning from the other adventurers whose paths I am so fortunate to cross.
My hope is that each and every one of us finds that we are all kindred spirits and true Soul mates,
and…we will honor the Divine in each other as our pilgrimages intertwine and unwind as we move on our way.

Blessed are you, the pure elucidation of The One that Creates all.  You are loved beyond measure!

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