Together…or not…

In times of strife and trouble, we can either stand together,
at which point we could achieve better results more quickly,
or, we can stand alone, face our fears alone, be alone.

The situation in the world, not just one nation, country, city or town,
seems dismal, dire, and distressing…and yet we stand alone.

Those who stand alone make desperate decisions
that have a devastating impact on their lives.

Some demand that others acquiesce to their demands,
even while offering help,
As if they, or their country, is more important…

In the eyes of the Supreme Creator, we are all equal.
No one is better, or worse, than anyone else…
A hard concept to grasp, but true none the less!

While we all make different decisions, thus have different outcomes,
it doesn’t change the fact that we are all still the same in the eyes of the Divine.

Today, look upon all people as equal…
Having the very same right to life, freedom and prosperity
as everyone else…
help them to become the very best they can be.
In doing so, you also help yourself,
for how can a planet where everyone becoming their best
be a bad thing???

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