Rewiring for Positivity…

Our journey ahead is, or can be, FULL of amazing people and adventures.  AMAZING!  For some, it starts that way, it’s that way through the middle and can be that way at the end.  Many, though, they never see it that way.  They see their entire journey as a struggle; a burden.  No doubt, at times, it can be.  Still, some people thrive on chaos…drama…trouble.  They create it, take no responsibility for it and try to foist it off on others.  Truly, too, some of us have been dealt some nasty cards.  There is no denying that.  I’ve seen it.  It’s sad to it’s core.  My dad used to say, “No matter what happens in your life, there is always someone who has it worse than you,” and, for the majority of us, he’s right.

Even for those of us who don’t have it that bad, we can find ourselves caught in a downward spiral.  Maybe it was through no fault of our own, or maybe it was a series of choices we made.  Our choices can center around jobs, money, friends, significant others, strangers, where we live, how we entertain ourselves, politics, religion, well being…any number of things.  These choices can give way to thoughts of unhappiness, and pretty soon, we find ourselves drowning in disturbing thoughts about our life choices.

There are outside forces that we must reckon with.  Advertising agencies make good money making us imagine we can’t possibly be happy with the choice we’ve made.  We NEED a new car, house, appliance, clothes, shoes, furniture, next new book, game, game console, whatever.  They shape our thoughts in ways we don’t even realize…we aren’t religious enough, we aren’t attractive enough, we are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too dark complected, too pale, our hair is too curly, too straight, too light, too dark…it goes on and on.

Then, there’s religion, the news media and the government…yes, even they help shape our choices and thoughts.  The religion we choose shapes our views on other religions, death, life (ours and others), life issues, our place in society, who’s going to Hell (EVEN though Our Creator told us NOT to judge!!!). Depending on who’s in office and which party is in control of Congress, our media and government try to control how we think about gay rights, gun issues, reproductive issues, personal rights, personal responsibilities, what we eat, war, religion, freedom as a whole, government and religion…All of this, in turn, helps shape a set of societal norms that squelch individuality in both thought and creativity.

The truth is, with all the information coming at us from every angle, we’ve become lazy about thinking for ourselves.  Even our friends help shape our thought process, and thus our choices…We are bombarded from every angle.  So…what can we do?  Is there, or can there be, any way out?  Is there a way to reshape our thoughts so that we can fix our present, overcome our past and have a better future?  Maybe their is.  Maybe we can relearn to think for ourselves.

We need to learn to do is question everything.  Even those with good intentions can make us rethink our choices.  Weigh everything you are told.  Especially if it’s from ads, the media or the government…and maybe even a few friends…research out important information.  Once you’ve done that, you might just find loads of other info about the very subject…then, compare what you’ve found with what you already thought you knew.  You might come to different conclusions!

Realize that if something is too good to be true, it usually is.  Likewise, if something seems too bad to be true…it usually is.

Understand that just because something is right for someone else, it might not be right for you.  The world is not black and white…there are MANY shades of grey…as well as other colors…use them wisely.

Follow your gut, for truly, your gut is usually right.  If it seems wrong, it probably is…whether it’s an opinion about yourself or someone else.

Get plenty of rest…when you are tired, your judgment is cloudy…

Likewise, eat healthy food…

Be patient…yes…be patient…

Look back on the bad things, and the good, and appreciate the fact that you lived through it all…you are still here…

Our Creative Forces had a genuinely good reason for compelling us not to judge.  Know that you only walk in your shoes…no one else’s.  Do not judge other people based on what you feel, think or experience.  You have no idea what they’ve been through or how they got where they are…Hind sight is 20/20…until you are in the moment, you truly do not know how you would react, so do not judge…

If your situation sucks, seize the moment and change it…and then grasp the knowledge that if it still sucks, you can change it again…and again and again and again…until you are in the best place possible for you…

Be thankful for what you do have…there are MANY who don’t have even a portion of what you do…

Here is the most important part…Learn to love EVERYONE…including yourself…

Believe it or not, you now have the tools rewire the way you think.  If negativity pops into your head, stop, realize it for what it is, turn it around and rethink it…It can be about yourself, another person, a particular choice, decision, situation, anything…whatever it is, turn it around into something positive.  Remember, whatever is going on, whatever your situation, whatever you are thinking, most all of it can be changed!

Becoming more positive makes us feel better…lifts us up…makes life more enjoyable.  The more you rethink things in positive ways, the more amazing things become.  Pretty soon, you can rethink things without even knowing you’re doing it…and, voila!  You have rewired for Positivity!  Congratulations!






It is during this time of year…the time when we are all supposed to be in the place of giving…that I realize how much power each of us hold.  There is something that you can give that is the most important thing ever.  You are so much more powerful than you know and that power is in the form of love.  People need to know they are loved and those close to you need to know you love them.  People need to remember that Our Creator loves them.  Sometimes we get caught up in our everyday lives and we forget that the most important thing we can do is know we are loved and show our love for ourselves and others.

Just remember, love is NOT blind acceptance!  TRUE love is unconditional.  Love is Not boastful or proud or jealous…but love IS caring, respect, supportive, kindness, and patience and all of that we can freely give to everyone who needs it!  Be mindful of those around you today and everyday.  Be mindful of the choices you make for yourself and others every day.  While it is usually relatively easy to love others, it seems like we don’t really know how anymore…and we certainly tend to be less than respectful to ourselves!  Respect yourself and loving yourself will follow…and the love for human kind will also follow.

Today, I am reminded of one of my father’s most favorite Bible passages.  My dad taught us in Sunday School when I was a child, and we heard this lesson often!  Whenever he was chosen to pick the bible verses for the congregation, more often than not, he chose this passage, as well.  I Corinthians 13.  While many of you know I do not embrace organized religion and find inspiration in many spiritual paths, I do find gems of basic truths in the Bible.  I Corinthians 13 tells us that THE most important thing is Love…NOTHING, not faith nor knowledge, not gifts of prophesy, NOTHING is more important than love.  That is a powerful statement of revelation and we need to not gloss over it, but embrace it.

While moving through your life’s journey today, and everyday, know that you are loved…Our Creator loves you, and we love you…Love is truly all that matters!

Experience the Good

In reading my book this morning I ran across something that, while my Inner Being obviously  knows this, my “human” being has not quite grasped it, but it is simple and beautiful…

“The world starves in the midst of plenty, weeps in the midst of joy.  Yet the Eternal Manna has never ceased to fall.  The fields of God are ripe unto harvest.  The garden of your mind was planted by a Wisdom superior to yours.  Enter in and possess the Promised Land.  When you accept in simple faith, you shall receive.  When you knock in child-like belief, the door will be opened.  What you seek with enthusiastic acceptance, you will find.”  This passage comes from the book “This Thing Called You” by Ernest Holmes.

Go through your day’s journey with the knowledge that you are in control.  Negate negative thoughts and accept the truth…You are the children of a MOST Divine Creator, and in that, you possess that inheritance…the same inheritance that Jesus/Yahushua spoke so often about.  Remember always he told you that you could do all things, if only you believe…You can do what he did, and more, if only you believe…

I think these days we are bogged down with someone else’s experience…someone else’s reality…and we forget we have our own.  Don’t let someone else’s “stuff” cloud, or crowd, your own stuff.  Try to approach every thing as if it is, not just yours, but THE very first experience with it.  You might be surprised at the outcome!

May you experience all the richness of Spirit today, as you move through your day’s journey…love, peace, joy…with the realization that you are not alone!

Growing Lessons

Hope your day is shaping up to be a rather nice one!  It’s hotter than usual here in the mid part of the country, as we are going on our 11th day of over 100 degree temps.  For some of you from the south, this is nothing new, for here it is…well…different.  And we have had no rain, at least where I am, for weeks.  Again, unusual.  BUT, the interesting thing is that as I was watering my plants this morning, I noticed something encouraging…New growth on all of my pepper plants!  Also, my tomato plants that I planted REALLY late are actually taking hold and growing nicely.  If I can keep them alive in this heat, they will grow and produce in the fall…so, again, nice!  My garden area does not get the proper sun, but I am thinking since the sun is so much hotter, that might not be such a bad thing!

Gardening, even in small ways, is such a learning opportunity!  And, from today, the lesson for my journey is this, even in the face of adversity, we can grow.  Even in the face of what appears to be a lull in our lives, we can still move forward.  The only thing holding us back is ourselves.  Truly, if the plants, in the face of such drought conditions, can continue to grow and even add new growth, then we, as brothers and sisters to the plants, can do this too!  (All life is all related, you know!)

It’s easy for me to imagine that the plants don’t over think things like we do.  It’s easy for me to see that, while things are rough for them now, they just say, “Yep it’s hot, but that won’t stop me from doing what I was put on this earth to do…grow!”  And we can learn from that!  Did we wake up this morning?  Yep!  SO, that gives us another day to work towards our goal…Yesterday is in the past.  Keep the lesson from yesterday’s decisions and live in the now, knowing you can change your way of thinking, the things you are doing and the influence with which you let others influence your life.  Your decisions can start over every single day, and if need be, find a different path that offers you different results, every day…

Don’t be a slave to old thoughts, past actions or past decisions.  Challenges are not obstacles unless you allow them to be… Wake up in the morning with a renewed sense of awareness…The knowledge that you CAN change your mind, do things differently and interact with life on this planet in different ways.  You are the key to YOUR future…If you have given up that power over you to someone else, well, take it back!  You truly are the one you’ve been waiting for and your world will open up for you when you embrace yourself.  So, what are you waiting for!?!

Blessings for your day, and weekend, next week, and always!  Much love and light to you and your family…May the blessings of Our Creator rain down on you until you have had your fill, and may it all happen for you again on every tomorrow!

Peace be with you

Revelations to Start the Week…

May thanksgiving flow from your heart to Our Creator and our many brothers and sisters in this life.

May you find within your own soul the courage you seek, knowing you were designed in the image of supreme wonder.   May today find peace in your heart and love in every crevice of your being.  May this courage, peace and love reflect out to those whom you encounter, spreading Divine joy and comfort to all.

May you embrace and rejoice in your place as a child of Our Divine Creator.  May the understanding that you are Divine by right of creation, a child of Our Blessed Creator, be yours today.  You, as are we all, truly special.  May acceptance of who you are always help you understand that you are truly loved, regardless of how you are perceived in this earthly place.

Today, also understand that you have free will.  If you chose to ignore your Divinity, you are only doing harm to yourself.  The ones crossing your path, truly searching, will still find their divinity…

When you realize and embrace your Divine inheritance, may you have the courage to help others find theirs.  May we all understand the ability we have to assist others and strive to do so from a place of honest, deep concern and commitment to peace, happiness, joy, healing, light and love.

Today, may you realize YOU are who you’ve been waiting for.  May you TRULY embrace this knowledge, as only YOU can change your journey, should it need to be changed…May this day be filled with unending opportunities, and may you find the one you are searching for this very minute.  May the many blessings of Our Divine Creator encircle you today, this week, and always.  Halleluyah!

My New Year’s Wish

May our new year be filled with the deep kind of joy that we can only get when we realize that we are loved beyond measure and that Our Divine Creator is with us always…and that we are joined together in spirit.  We are all connected and so should be sending love to all. When one of us does well, all of us benefit, even if it is just on the spiritual level, which is, after all, the best level!

May you find comfort in knowing that you are a blessing to Our Creator. May the blessings of Our Divine clothe you always, prop you up when needed and carry you through your journey…You are Your Creator’s child, so bask in that realization. Let the new year begin, bringing with it all the new and exciting adventures for the next chapters in our journey…Peace, joy, love and happiness to you all.

Because You Crossed My Path

My life has been blessed
because you crossed my path.
I cherish those seconds,
though you might not even remember.

There is something so divine
about encountering another sacred soul.
At first, we may not realize
just how special this person is…

In fact, in some cases,
we may find them contemptible.
Yet there is a deeper plan,
a deeper lesson to be learned.

Still, in other cases,
this life force perplexes us
for other unknown reasons,
and we contemplate the encounter.

Some stay, and we absorb them
into our own psyche, making them part of our whole.
Some move on at times that seem most inconvenient.
And we are left to mourn what we have lost.

And, sometimes, it is us who does the leaving,
moving through life, searching for our own truth.
We, each of us, are on our own quest…
A splendid journey into our unknown.

There are bound to be times we come across
someone who will not finish our journey with us.
Some will only travel a short distance, and
others will be those who are with us to the end.

I cherish all of the blessed ones.
And while some may linger,
just for a while, it matters not,
Because I learned something from each one…

A Thought for the Season…

May the Joy of the Season not be lost on “this season” alone, but shine brightly every day of your life.

You are MAGNIFICENT, and not just because your friends and family think so, but because Our Creator says so…don’t lose sight of who you are in this massive universe.  No matter where you are in your life’s journey, YOU still have MUCH to contribute…and we are all, including Our Creator, looking forward to it!

May love, light and many blessings surround you always…

Divine Comfort

Today, the Divine in me will reach out to the Divine in you…we will comfort, support and care for one another, realizing we are not so different…We have similar wants and desires…and mine is that the Peace of the Ages will fill us to overflowing as the Creator of all there is blesses each one of us today, and always…this is an exceptional journey and we are all on different paths, perhaps even the same journey, looking for a unique perspective.  Working together while respecting the desires of another is what binds our lives and helps us rejoice at our blessings and hold each other high during times of sorrows.

Never give in to the doubt and fear.  Realization and change comes from deep within our very souls…We truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for…and so we press on until the whole world knows peace, joy and love!

Blessings to All

May the blessings of our Mother/Father Creators rain down on you today,
showering you with more love, peace, happiness and prosperity
than you can surely handle.

May your blessings spill over onto your family and friends,
granting them their blessings, in turn.
But let it not end there…

For there are so many people in need of positive energy,
healing energy…Divine energy, and it is, indeed,
in abundance right now.

Every moment we raise up our voices in agreement,
is another moment we work together
to solve the world’s problems.

Today, may we see clear to make a difference, not just in our lives,
but in the many lives with which we are joined,
One by one, we can do this.

As we join hands and hearts to enable this cosmic awakening,
may we be ever mindful of our place in this blessed universe,
for we truly are part of the Omnipotent I Am…

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