Taking Cues From Mother Nature

A cool front moved through here between Saturday and yesterday, leaving us with temperatures 20 to 25 degrees cooler for the past two days than most of last week.  As Summer fades into Autumn, the night breeze has a slight chill, as does the daytime breeze, and for some reason, overnight the air seems to be more crisp and clean.  It is a beautiful day here today, and even the sunshine seems somehow prettier.  As things have died out over the Summer heat, the plants that managed to withstand the brutal heat seem to be even brighter.

Our part of the earth is preparing to hibernate, as Autumn will surely give way to Winter.  Our area will be at rest, rejuvenating for the next phase, Spring…and the cycle will repeat…waking, living, resting & sleeping, waking, living, resting & sleeping…on and on it goes.

We tend to push ourselves to the breaking point every single day.  Most of us don’t have too much trouble with the waking part of our day, but we try to cram so much “stuff” into it that we ignore one of the most important thing we can do for ourselves.  Rest & sleeping…

If we pay attention to nature, we can get clues.  Take for instance the perennials.  They sprout forth their life, grow, start to wither and die, only to repeat the cycle, sometimes even bigger and better over the following years.  I’d like to use, as examples, two particular plants; Crape Myrtles and Pampas Grass.

When I lived in Texas, everyone grew Crape Myrtles.  One particular fellow had a fence lined with Crape Myrtles.  I passed his place everyday on my way to work.  Before I knew much about them (I still don’t know too much!), at the beginning of Autumn, he cut every single one of them to the ground.  I thought to myself, “What the heck are you doing, mister?” because they were beautiful…smaller, but beautiful.  The next Spring, after resting the Autumn and Winter, they came back with a vengeance!  They grew bigger and more full, and even more beautiful…that next Fall, he did the same thing…Cut them to the ground!  Yet, in the Spring, they came back and grew even bigger and more lovely…

My parent’s driveway is lined with Pampas Grass.  It is a beautiful sight when they are covered in full plumes.  People here, in the Midwest, grow them, as well.  What they do here, though, in Autumn, is cut them down and burn them off…If you know nothing about it, it sounds crazy, right?  Yet the following year, after the Autumn and Winter rest, they come back fuller and more beautiful.

The same goes for deciduous trees, as well…Ever seen a Maple Tree go through it’s cycle?  Another lovely tree with a similar cycle is the popular Bradford Pear.  Beautiful life emerges in the final throws of Winter and the onset of Spring as the trees flower.  Pretty leaves emerge (most are green, but there are other colors as well.  Japanese Maples are famous for their red or red lined leaves and are very popular ornamental trees!) and by Summer, they are covered with leaves.  In Autumn, as the trees wind down for rest, the leaves put on a SPECTACULAR show as they change color from green to yellow to orange and to red (sometimes having all four colors on one leaf!), as the tree gets ready to shed its leaves for the upcoming hybernation. It is an awesome show!

I have known many people who leave the trees to their own devices, once they are established, and they do alright.  I have also known others to nurture and care for their trees, and boy do they flourish!

There are a couple of things we can learn from Mother Nature…

First, we NEED our rest and relaxation to rejuvenate.  Sure, we can go and go and go all day long, deep into the night, crash onto our beds, get a few hours of sleep, get up the next day and do it all again, but that pace takes a toll on our body, and on our psyche.  Our bodies need proper rest, and nourishment if we plan to live long lives.  Lack of sleep leads to stress, confusion and moodiness.  Stress is one of the main sources for dis-ease and bodily malfunction in otherwise healthy adults.  Lack of sleep causes us to not “think” to our fullest capacity, causing us confusion, which breeds frustration, and then anger.  These are preventable things, if we nourish ourselves through proper rest and diet.

Second, Mother Nature can also show us the beauty of life and dignity in death.  As both the Crape Myrtle and the Pampas Grass and deciduous tree examples show us, we can live our lives in beauty and splendor, and at the end, if we do not fear our life or death, we can transition into our next great adventure, and be even more splendid at that.  Many religions teach us about life after death, reincarnation, etc.  So, as you watch Nature, you can see what happens after it appears to “die.”  The next “life” is so much bigger and more beautiful…and on it goes…

Take good care of yourself, respect yourself and don’t be afraid of what is to come.  Take time to “rest.”  There is nothing wrong with simply being still for a while!  Sure, you can take a vacation every year, but what about a little rest every day?  Take a short walk, relax in a warm bath, read, listen to music, take up a hobby, or yoga.  Get proper rest, and then be SURE to get proper sleep!   The things to promote rest do not have to take up much of your time, but the benefits of rest and sleep are unending!  I challenge each of you to take on your life, but treat it with respect.  Grow, live and nurture your life.   And, try treating every living thing with the same “respect for life” and see what you cultivate in your own!  Many Blessings!



Playing to Win!!!

I’ve been doing a WHOLE lot of soul searching…You see, my “day job” puts me in touch with lots of people who absolutely believe that prophesy in the Bible is set in stone…cannot be changed.  With 2012 right around the corner and the seeming devastation, both economic and weather related, people seem ripe to believe we are doomed…DOOMED, they tell ya!

Well…what is the purpose of creation, if it was doomed from the very beginning?  It reminds me of the no-win scenario in Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru.  In this instance, I will be using the philosophy of Captain Kirk…I don’t believe in no-win situations…So where does that leave us???

I am of the mind that prophesy can be changed, if people understand what is at stake and act upon it…We can change the future for the better…BUT…People need to understand a few things…As in:

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we continue to oppress others…and it isn’t people in other countries only oppressing their own…The sooner we reconcile what we do to others right here (and abroad), the better (From the Federal Government on down to each individual)!

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we cannot learn to take responsibility for our own actions and stop foisting them off on others…

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we cannot learn to “love our neighbor as ourselves”,  PERIOD.  That doesn’t mean you should want to “hook up with” or marry everyone you come across…That means a deep compassionate concern for the welfare of others…EVEN when they are not nice to you.

We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we do not strive to do better in all things…Yes, ALL THINGS!

And, one more thing…We cannot hope to be a better “human race” if we continue to dwell on the negative…negativity is a drain on all of us…it breeds negativity.  We can’t absolutely ignore the negative, but we can acknowledge it and then we MUST focus on the positive if we hope to make positive changes.

Sooo00…It seems the ball is now in our court…What we choose to do with it is ultimately up to us…And, by the way…I DON’T play to lose…I planning on WINNING this!

“Monday” Syndrome…

It’s the dreaded “Monday”…The first day of the work week for most…The day after a hopefully nice weekend when reality settles back upon us and we hit the grindstone once again…

There are days in our lives that, no matter how hard we try, we cannot make go right.  We’ve all lived through them.  Have you ever wondered why, then, at the end of a day like that, some of us want to curl up in a ball and die and some of us seem to fight through it and just “get it over with”?   We all get through it, alright, but some just seem to take everything in stride, even though they are frustrated, and those who want to just die don’t even realize it is just as hard on these seemingly effervescent souls.

Maybe it would help us all to watch how some of these “effervescent souls” deal with things…

First of all, do you take the blame when it is yours to take or do you blame everything and one around you?   Lack of sleep?  Not enough down time?  Kids driving you insane?  Husband/wife driving you insane?  Work driving you insane?  Actually, these are things that can be fixed…handled…dealt with…and yet some of us just do not want to deal with them, making things much harder than they need to be.

Second, do you worry about the things you cannot do anything about?  Think about that for a minute…If you can do nothing about it, then it’s truly a waste of your time to worry about it…So why in the world would you expend the energy?

Third, do you go into a Monday, or whatever bad day you are having, with the attitude that the whole day is hopeless?  Do you give that thought too much energy, which, in turn, creates your reality for you?

In what other ways do you approach your “bad days?”  Can you adjust your attitude?  Is it something you can do something about?

Now, think about this…Just how many of these so called “bad days” have you endured???  See!!!  They are NOT going to kill you…so, vow from this day forward to take a different approach when dealing with your bad days and you will get through them much more quickly AND with much less stress!!!  Might as well, cause you know they are going to happen!  😉

It’s coming…

For several days now, I have felt something stirring my Spirit.  It’s definitely there.  Is it my next Spiritual awakening, or a nudge to “pay attention” to what is happening around me?  I’m not sure, but something is happening and I know better than to ignore it.

Most of my adult life has been a series of people, situations, “random meetings,” and even information and books “falling in my lap,” helping me learn something new and exciting or make the next decision.  To say my life has been “guided” is a bit of an understatement.  From my marriage, children, our moves around the country, my interest in alternative medicine, the re-awakening of my Spirit and Faith, the illness alleviated by an amazing simple cleanse and the interaction with the Divine Creator because of it, and the path my life is taking now…I would have never thought I would be “here” right now.  I don’t believe in coincidences, but that everything happens for a reason and not until you are ready for it.  Sometimes I want to rush it, but in the end, I know better.  If I am waiting, there is something I haven’t learned so that I can move to the next phase…

I am not scared of what I feel, but I will say, it will be exciting, whatever it is going to be, as the “lesson” has NEVER disappointed!!!  Is there something out there for you that you are ignoring???

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