Rewiring for Positivity…

Our journey ahead is, or can be, FULL of amazing people and adventures.  AMAZING!  For some, it starts that way, it’s that way through the middle and can be that way at the end.  Many, though, they never see it that way.  They see their entire journey as a struggle; a burden.  No doubt, at times, it can be.  Still, some people thrive on chaos…drama…trouble.  They create it, take no responsibility for it and try to foist it off on others.  Truly, too, some of us have been dealt some nasty cards.  There is no denying that.  I’ve seen it.  It’s sad to it’s core.  My dad used to say, “No matter what happens in your life, there is always someone who has it worse than you,” and, for the majority of us, he’s right.

Even for those of us who don’t have it that bad, we can find ourselves caught in a downward spiral.  Maybe it was through no fault of our own, or maybe it was a series of choices we made.  Our choices can center around jobs, money, friends, significant others, strangers, where we live, how we entertain ourselves, politics, religion, well being…any number of things.  These choices can give way to thoughts of unhappiness, and pretty soon, we find ourselves drowning in disturbing thoughts about our life choices.

There are outside forces that we must reckon with.  Advertising agencies make good money making us imagine we can’t possibly be happy with the choice we’ve made.  We NEED a new car, house, appliance, clothes, shoes, furniture, next new book, game, game console, whatever.  They shape our thoughts in ways we don’t even realize…we aren’t religious enough, we aren’t attractive enough, we are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too dark complected, too pale, our hair is too curly, too straight, too light, too dark…it goes on and on.

Then, there’s religion, the news media and the government…yes, even they help shape our choices and thoughts.  The religion we choose shapes our views on other religions, death, life (ours and others), life issues, our place in society, who’s going to Hell (EVEN though Our Creator told us NOT to judge!!!). Depending on who’s in office and which party is in control of Congress, our media and government try to control how we think about gay rights, gun issues, reproductive issues, personal rights, personal responsibilities, what we eat, war, religion, freedom as a whole, government and religion…All of this, in turn, helps shape a set of societal norms that squelch individuality in both thought and creativity.

The truth is, with all the information coming at us from every angle, we’ve become lazy about thinking for ourselves.  Even our friends help shape our thought process, and thus our choices…We are bombarded from every angle.  So…what can we do?  Is there, or can there be, any way out?  Is there a way to reshape our thoughts so that we can fix our present, overcome our past and have a better future?  Maybe their is.  Maybe we can relearn to think for ourselves.

We need to learn to do is question everything.  Even those with good intentions can make us rethink our choices.  Weigh everything you are told.  Especially if it’s from ads, the media or the government…and maybe even a few friends…research out important information.  Once you’ve done that, you might just find loads of other info about the very subject…then, compare what you’ve found with what you already thought you knew.  You might come to different conclusions!

Realize that if something is too good to be true, it usually is.  Likewise, if something seems too bad to be true…it usually is.

Understand that just because something is right for someone else, it might not be right for you.  The world is not black and white…there are MANY shades of grey…as well as other colors…use them wisely.

Follow your gut, for truly, your gut is usually right.  If it seems wrong, it probably is…whether it’s an opinion about yourself or someone else.

Get plenty of rest…when you are tired, your judgment is cloudy…

Likewise, eat healthy food…

Be patient…yes…be patient…

Look back on the bad things, and the good, and appreciate the fact that you lived through it all…you are still here…

Our Creative Forces had a genuinely good reason for compelling us not to judge.  Know that you only walk in your shoes…no one else’s.  Do not judge other people based on what you feel, think or experience.  You have no idea what they’ve been through or how they got where they are…Hind sight is 20/20…until you are in the moment, you truly do not know how you would react, so do not judge…

If your situation sucks, seize the moment and change it…and then grasp the knowledge that if it still sucks, you can change it again…and again and again and again…until you are in the best place possible for you…

Be thankful for what you do have…there are MANY who don’t have even a portion of what you do…

Here is the most important part…Learn to love EVERYONE…including yourself…

Believe it or not, you now have the tools rewire the way you think.  If negativity pops into your head, stop, realize it for what it is, turn it around and rethink it…It can be about yourself, another person, a particular choice, decision, situation, anything…whatever it is, turn it around into something positive.  Remember, whatever is going on, whatever your situation, whatever you are thinking, most all of it can be changed!

Becoming more positive makes us feel better…lifts us up…makes life more enjoyable.  The more you rethink things in positive ways, the more amazing things become.  Pretty soon, you can rethink things without even knowing you’re doing it…and, voila!  You have rewired for Positivity!  Congratulations!





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