
Life sometimes finds us at a crossroads,
no clear way forward or back.
Yearning for some new adventure,
seeking anything new.

Moving in a strange direction,
unsure what lies ahead,
we can find ourselves reflecting.
on “better times” we’ve had.

Fear of future happenings
can catch us unprepared.
Looking for something familiar,
stable, well comfortable anyway!

Thoughts of our precious babies,
bring on nostalgic glows.
Maybe a parent, or old friends,
favorite uncle, aunt or cousin.

Great times we’ve had in days gone by,
and we hope to have again,
makes us wary of uncertainty,
we shy away from the unfamiliar.

But, you’ll never know what lies ahead,
unless you venture forth.
Can’t let fear of the undiscovered,
keep us from pushing onward.

Reflection is a marvelous tool,
it keeps us humbled, and aware,
of where our journey started,
and how we far we’ve made it though.

But it can also weigh us down,
particularly if we let it.
So be aware the road lies ahead,
but cherish your rememberings.

Look, Listen, Learn

Everyone and everything has merit.  Just because you don’t get it or understand it, doesn’t mean there isn’t a message or lesson to be learned.  Even when things seem bleak there is always some knowledge that can be acquired, especially if you just take a few minutes to look for it.

Some people seem to be a waste of our time, but, have you ever truly wondered what their journey has brought them?  The life lessons of someone else could save you a whole lot of trouble!  Older people have experience on their side, while younger people have a fresh perspective.  Plus, you cannot know what insights someone else has just by looking at them.   BUT, people also perceive things differently, so someone else’s experience might not match yours.  And that is a lesson, as well!

The these “teachings” might have to do with joy, happiness, peace or patience.  It could be humility or compassion.  It could be contentment or mercy…or, it could be acceptance and love.  The truth is, you will never know if you aren’t open to it.  There’s always something to be learned.

And…sometimes YOU are someone else’s lesson…life’s not all about you…there are others sharing our planet, others having similar experiences and others linked to our journey.

The bottom line is, be open to the possibilities to learn something in everything you do, also remembering, you may be the chosen one to “teach” someone else…and even through all of that, you might be surprised what you learn!

Life, Mended

Out of the depths, wandering free,
Soul’s first adventure on Its own.
Death and destruction, mayhem and madness.
“Who would want this?” ” What have I chosen?”

Don’t want to turn back, the light, it still shines.
With some, comes some more.  This one I can win!
Lessons are learned, as hard as they are.
Other choices are made, the difference is clear.

Darkness moves from sight, into the corners.
Slinking away and hiding with guilt.
As Soul takes charge, clearing the mess
left by a life that was lived by default.

Life gives up the suffering, learning to love,
not only Itself, but others alike.
Becoming more kind, gentle and clear,
The prize is at hand, Life sees past Its fears.

More sure of Its host, Soul rejoins the Body.
Loving thoughts They do think, together as One.
Helping the others, family and friends,
mending the fences and broken bridges.

New is the Creature, tranquil and sure
Life springing forth, no longer in doubt.
Pristine and perfect, glistening bright.
Giving forth much, and so mends the Life.

For What Do You Seek?

Always looking forward,
or back.
Never quite finding.

Time spent wondering
to and fro,
Never satisfied.

Journey seems rough,
Never suitable.

Always living in a haze,
At least it seems.

Today, though, is different.
You are still wondering,
still in a haze,
but you can see it,
the way out.

Awakening has begun,
Spirit is strong,
vibrant, alive!
No longer viewing things
with eyes closed.

Realization of what you seek,
just steps ahead.
Coming closer and closer,
if only you could…
the illusion is shattered.

What you seek is not out here,
the revelation is cold,
all along,
possessing the power
to set yourself free.

Worldly hordes forced your hand,
long ago
so you buried it deep.
And there it still sits,
waiting to be released.

You are the only one,
who can release You
from Your dark prison.
Put there so You could fit in,
Yet, now, You yearn to be free…

Emerge from Your darkness,
into Your Light.
Past and future irrelevant,
run from the ordinary…
Now…Your journey begins!

Love the “Doing”

The first words of a truly fantastic sentence, “I love the thought…” catch us all anticipating what it is we will “love.”  It’s magical!  We can ponder all kinds of lovely things…for example, we can love the thought of…

spending time with my children.
making a special dinner for friends.
staying in for dinner with my honey.
watching the stars.
relaxing in a hot bath.
sleeping late.

Or maybe something a little different…

planting a garden in spring.
a swim in the hottest part of Summer.
making snow angels in the yard.
bicycling, walking, running or dancing…something active…
taking pictures of those trees as they turn magnificent colors in the Fall.

Or maybe something extreme…

moving to a warmer/cooler climate.
running a marathon.
bicycling cross-country.
hiking the Grand Canyon.
backpacking through Europe.
taking a trip to Fiji…

I think you get the idea.  There are literally thousands of things you could “love the thought of,” but what about actually DOING them?  Yes, these seem like simple things, but how many times do we make excuses for not taking action on our simple, lovely thoughts?  Truth be told, when we make excuses, we are wasting our lives…there is SO much we could do…but to do it, we actually have to get out there and just DO it…(Reminds me of the old Nike slogan!).

What are we seeking to do when we “love the thought” of something?  Usually, we feel bogged down, in a rut, overworked, under-appreciated…drained…depressed.  I heard a wonderful teaching by Trevor Isley that pointed out when we are depressed, we are “low in spirit.”  So, again, what are we seeking when we “love the thought” of something?  To feed our spirit!  AND, if you can find something “fun,” you can rejuvenate!

Most of the things that would feed our spirit, thereby supporting our soul, don’t cost much, if anything…And, the things that you want to do that do cost money, well…start saving for it…Plan ahead for the big things, but learn to be spontaneous for the little things!

At the very least, don’t waste any more of your life just loving the thought of something…Make your journey spectacular!  Live your life!  Make time to love DOING the things that make you truly happy!

Imagination Run Amuck…

What is it that frightens you?  Keeps you from doing what you’d like to do?  Keeps you held hostage by the very fear of wondering, “what if something bad happens?”  Maybe you feel you will lose your job, relationship, friends, house…whatever?  Fear, of course, serves a purpose…We don’t jump off cliffs for fear of dying.  We don’t stick our hands on an open flame for fear we will get burned.  We don’t step in front of a car for fear we will be run over…But are these really “fears” or is it merely common sense?

What do you suppose we could accomplish if we all simply realized fear is the workings of our own imagination and if we learn to control our imagination, we control our fear?

Most of us fear something, and we really have no clue if what we fear will ever come to fruition…we just fear it.  Could what we fear be a possible consequence? What if we looked at fear as a “curse?” How could we rid ourselves of this “curse?”  To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, “It’s not the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.”

If we finally break free of our fear and do something anyway, we find out that the consequence we feared would happen is not the ONLY thing that COULD happen in that particular situation…in fact, you may find a very different outcome, one you did NOT imagine…but the only way to find out is to try.

Don’t worry, I fear a lot, myself, but to fear is not to live, because you cannot truly “live” while you fear. You can be comfortable in the knowledge that you have nothing to fear if you do not go forward with an idea or plan, but is “comfortable” REALLY living?

So, today, I will begin my journey into the unknown…I will take one of my long sought after dreams and begin fulfilling it, knowing that if I don’t even try, I will never know what could have been…And along the way, I might actually learn something about truly living!

Expression Unfolding…

Moving toward the unknown,
away from the comfortable,
Adrenaline rushes, emotions scatter.

Fear of the unfamiliar,
heightens as we progress,
but we’re not turning back.

Our adventure begins,
moving slowly, at first,
as our elation wells.

There’s only one way to continue,
Swallow pride, forget the past,
catch our breath and press on.

Forage our own way, something we can respect.
Nothing desolate or dark, desperate or lonely.
More souls than you know are seeking the same.

Tranquility ushers forth out of the depths of the chaotic,
Only now do we comprehend our journey’s purpose,
as the truth penetrates deep into our core.

We awaken, one day, to the truth of our purpose.
A notion more powerful than yet we’ve envisioned
Only then do we become what we’ve been created to be…
An emaculate expression of the passion of Our Beloved…

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